How to apply for a position?
- PhD
- The PhD degree
- Scholarships
- PhD courses
- Positions
- Application Casimir PhD Program
- (no title)
- (no title)
- Optical and magnetic tweezer studies of chromatin
- PhD position in Leiden: Quantum acoustics with semiconductor quantum dots and micro-cavities
- PhD positions (two) in Delft, Mulder group: electrochemistry, catalysis and material testing
- PhD position in Delft, Steeneken and Van der Zant Lab: Nanomechanical graphene microphones, bolometers, gas and pressure sensors.
- PhD position in Leiden, Luca Giomi Group: Tissue hydrodynamics
- PhD position in Leiden, Huber lab: Development of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Methods for Intrinsically Disordered Proteins
- PhD position in Delft, Koenderink Lab: Physics of Collective Metastasis
- PhD position in Amsterdam (AMOLF), Tans lab: Ubiquitin-mediated protein processing, studied using optical tweezers and single-molecule fluorescence
- PhD position in Amsterdam (AMOLF), Tans lab: Single-cell dynamics in intestinal organoids
- PhD Position in Delft, Dekker Lab: Single-molecule studies of DNA replication
- PhD position in Delft, Aubin-Tam lab: New light-responsive engineerd living materials based on microalgae
- PhD position in Delft, Gröblacher lab: quantum optomechanics with photonic crystals
- PhD position in Leiden, Tura lab: quantum algorithms for near-term devices
- PhD position in Leiden, Bas Hensen group: Interface between quantum mechanics and general relativity
- PhD positions in Delft, Conesa-Boj Lab: Moiré Physics from one-dimensional van der Waals heterostructures
- PhD position in Delft, Conesa-Boj Lab: Electron Nanoscopy of Quantum Materials
- PhD position in Delft, van der Zant lab: Quantum transport phenomena in bionanowires
- PhD positions in Leiden, Bhattacharyya lab: quantum transport in van der Waals heterostructures
- PhD position in Leiden, Allan lab: Electron pair microscopy
- PhD position in Delft, Otte lab: Atomic scale coherent spin dynamics
- PhD position in Delft, Ryoichi Ishihara group: Photonic Circuits for Quantum Computer
- PhD Position Leiden, Schmidt/Semrau Lab: Raman Sensing of Cell Differentiation
- Alumni Casimir
- Questions? Ideas? Suggestions? Visit the Casimir online consultation hour!
- Weekly calendar
- Weekly calendar
- Virtual Long Range Colloquium - Nathalie de Leon (Princeton University): "Correlating surface spectroscopy with qubit measurements to systematically eliminate sources of noise"
- Charles Marcus - 'Is nano the way to go to build a quantum computer'
- VSF Long Range Colloquium - Klaus Mølmer (Aarhus University): "Quantum interactions with pulses of radiation"
- Eugene Stanley (Boston University) - 'Statistical Physics approaches to complex networks: The fragility of interdependency: coupled networks'
- Hans Niemantsverdriet - 'Mechanistic insight in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis catalysts from surface science, synchrotron and computational studies
- John Martinis - "Catch and release of microwave photons using superconducting adjustable couplers"
- Serge Massar - "Device independent quantum information processing"
- Flavio Mariani - 'Cathodoluminescence on GaAs membranes'
- Vadim Makarov - " Quantum hacking"
- Jo Verbeeck - "Vortex electrons probing novel spectroscopic information at the atomic scale"
- Markus Hennrich - "Experimental Quantum Information Processing with Trapped (Rydberg) Ions"
- Karsten Flensberg - ": Detection and manipulation of Majorana fermions in condensed matter systems"
- Claudio Stern - "From cells to embryo: the magic of gastrulation"
- Janos Asboth (Budapest) - "Bulk-Boundary Correspondence for Chiral Symmetric Quantum Walks"
- Alexander Ako Khajetoorians - "Magnetization dynamics derived from excitations of single magnetic atoms on surfaces"
- H. Eugene Stanley - " Statistical Physics approaches to complex liquids: Liquid water, the most complex liquid"
- Joerg Bewersdorf - "Advancing Optical Nanoscopy to Deeper and Faster Live-cell Imaging"
- Ilja Gerhardt, University of Stuttgart - "Linking single molecule studies with atomic spectroscopy"
- Ville Lahtinen - "Condensate-induced transitions and critical spin chains"
- Ihor Smal (Erasmus MC Rotterdam): "Sequential Monte Carlo Methods for Tracking and Motion Analysis in Bioimaging"
- S. Bals - "Electron tomography for nanostructures: how low can we go?"
- Sebastian T.B. Goennenwein - " Spin currents in ferromagnet/normal metal hybrids"
- D. Kumar Hazra - "Reconstructing the primordial spectra"
- Physics Preview Lectures: Tjerk Oosterkamp "What makes Penrosian gravitational wave function collapse tick?"
- Cyrille Charnier discussing his Master’s internship at BASF
- Vladimir Cvetkovic - "Space group symmetry, spin-orbit coupling and the low-energy effective Hamiltonian for iron-based superconductors"
- P.M. Oppeneer (Uppsala):"The theory of Hidden Order in URu2Si2: a two-electron, two-orbital rearrangement"
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii: Raimond Snellings (Utrecht) "The perfect liquid at the Large Hadron Collider"
- Paul Wilmes, University of Luxemburg: " Integrated meta-omics of lipid accumulating microbial communities in biological wastewater treatment plants "
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii: Z.X. Shen (Stanford) "Novel materials properties at atomically thin limit"
- Paul Alivisatos (Berkeley): '‘Design and synthesis of multi-component colloidal nanocrystals for catalysis and sensing'
- QN seminar: T. Kontos (LPA, ENS, Paris):"Carbon nanotube based quantum dot circuits in a cQED architecture"
- F. Giazotto:"Josephson junction-based coherent caloritronic nanocircuits"
- QN seminar: Kevin Briggman, NINDS/NIH:"Modern 3D optical and electron microscopy for mapping neuronal circuits"
- Award ceremony Hendrik Casimir Prize
- Florian Banhart, Institut de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux, University of Strasbourg:" In-situ Electron Microscopy on One- and Two-Dimensional Carbon and Related Inorganic Materials "
- Wolfgang Löffler (QO)"Singularities: from quantum to nano"
- ChemE Faculty Colloquium: Anne Maisser
- Albert Fert:"Spin-orbitronics, a novel direction for spintronics"
- QN seminar - Kent D. Irwin, Stanford University:"Nonequilibrium and nonlinear phenomena in resistive bolometers"
- Rudi Kalter:"Stabilization of flow instabilities in process equipment"
- Lars Jeuken (School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Leeds):"Biomembrane-modified electrodes to study enzyme mechanics of respiratory-chain enzymes"
- Arno Smets (Photovoltaic Materials and Devices Group, EWI TU Delft):"Silicon based PV Technology: current status and its future"
- Special pre-program at the Kavli Colloquium
- Kavli Colloquium - Eric Betzig (HHMI's Janelia Farm): " Imaging Life at High Spatiotemporal Resolution"
- E. van Heumen, Van der Waals-Zeeman Insitute, IoP, UvA, Amsterdam - Dept. Of Physics, UCSD, San Diego, USA:"Optical Nano-Imaging of the Metal-Insulator Transition in Strained V2O3"
- Andrea Morello, Centre for Quantum Computation & Communication Technology, UNSW Australia:"Quantum information processing with single atoms in silicon"
- Anagha Datar (Bangalore):"Axonal architecture: Role of cytoskeleton integrity and membrane dynamics"
- 10 Years Casimir Research School
- Bhadra Kaliginedi:"Electron transport through single molecular junctions: Molecular wires, switches to energy storage devices"
- Martin Lanz (NDLab)
- BN Delft: opening NIKON SIM system by NIKON president Eimori-San, talk by guest speaker Arne Seitz: “Correlative SIM and STORM microscopy from the perspective of a multi-user facility”
- Van der Waals Colloquium: Prof. Manabu Kiguchi (Tokyo Institute of Technology): "Single molecular dynamics using the Surface enhanced Raman scattering"
- Kavli colloquium Seth Lloyd (MIT): "Quantum life"
- Lecture by Patrick v.d. Berg (VU Amsterdam): "An intergrative genomic pipeline to target the NCOR1 cistrome with precision"
- BN Seminar Misha Kudryashev:"Structure of membrane proteins in action by cryo electron microscopy"
- BN Seminar Maria Pia Cosma:"Investigating dynamics of pluripotency and tissue regeneration"
- BN Seminar - Sai Li (STRUBI, University of Oxford): "The beauty and the beast – cryo-electron tomographic reconstruction of two enveloped viruses"
- Seminar at BN/Delft - Dr. Mark Bates (Max Planck Institute): "Fluorescence Nanoscopy with Stochastic Switching and 4pi Detection"
- QN Seminar Roland Winkler (Northern Illinois University): "Electromagnetic coupling of spins and pseudospins in bilayer graphene
- BN Seminar Greg Pawlik (Utrecht): "Trans-catalysis by the yeast phospholipid methyltransferase Opi3"
- Van Marum Colloquium - Miquel Salmeron (Materials Sciences Division, Berkeley): "New era of surface science: the solid-gas and solid-liquid interfaces"
- BN Seminar Lynn Rothschild (NASA Ames Research Center): "The Role of Synthetic Biology in NASA’ s Missions"
- QN Seminar Mark A. Eriksson (University of Wisconsin-Madison): "Quantum control of a high-speed semiconductor quantum dot hybrid qubit"
- BN Seminar - Rouslan Efremov (VIB Brussels): "Structural insight into calcium signalling in muscular contraction."
- QN Seminar Kobus Kuipers (Amolf):"Light at the nanoscale"
- QN seminar - Andre Xuereb (University of Malta): "Reconfigurable long-range phonon dynamics in optomechanical arrays"
- Leiden this week's discoveries lectures: "Citizen science" and "Probing quantum matter"
- BN Seminar - Martin Ackermann (ETH Zurich): "Collective Functionality through Microbial Individuality"
- BN Seminar by Billy Tsai (University of Michigan): 'How a virus penetrates a biological membrane to cause infection'
- BN Seminar by Mathieu Coppey - tba
- Theory seminar by Petr Jizba (Czech Technical University): 'A new class of entropy-power-based uncertainty relations'
- QN Seminar - Ulrik Anderson (DTU, Denmark): 'Squeezed light quantum technology'
- BN seminar - Sarah Koster (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen): TBA
- VSF Long Range Colloquium - Mohammad Hafezi (University of Maryland and JQI): "Quantum optics meets correlated electrons"
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - Max Welling (University of Amsterdam): "The Physics Inside Deep Learning"
- VSF Long Range Colloquium - Nicola Spaldin (ETH Zurich): "From Materials to Cosmology: "Studying the early universe under the microscope"
- VSF Speakers'corner - Xavier Waintal (PHELIQS, CEA Grenoble): "Correlations and computational quantum transport: an approach for the automatic calculation of Feynman diagrams at large orders"
- This Week's Discoveries - Tjerk Oosterkamp (LION): 'What is a measurement? Crossing over from the quantum world to the classical world and back'
- VSF Long Range Colloquium - Michel Devoret (Yale University): "An error-corrected logical quantum bit encoded in grid states of a superconducting cavity"
- Webinar - Kate Adamala (University of Minnesota): "Life but not alive"
- VSF Long Range Colloquium - Prineha Narang (Harvard University): "Predicting and Controlling Scalable Quantum Systems"
- VSF Speakers'corner - Risto Ojajärvi (University of Jyväskylä): "Superconductivity provides a giant enhancement to the spin battery effect"
- Casimir on holiday
- VSF Speakers'corner - Brian Skinner (Ohio State University): "Mysteries near the zero-field Wigner crystal transition in a 2D electron system"
- VSF Long Range Colloquium - Richard Kueng (Johannes Kepler University): "Provably efficient machine learning for quantum many-body problems"
- QuTech 360 seminar - Sophie Hermans: "'Qubit teleportation between non-neighboring nodes in a quantum network"
- Sumant Oemrawsingh - ”DNA based nanophotonics”
- S. Reitzenstein - "cQED in Quantum Dot Micropillar Cavities – Fundamental Research and Applications"
- H.W.M. Salemink - “Mind the Gap”
- Marin van Heel - "Looking at macromolecular complexes in action by single particle electron microscopy"
- Jan Wijbrans and students - "Summerschool 'Crises in Biology'"
- David Reilly - TBA
- Andreas Walraff - on "Observing Entanglement between Propagating Photons and Qubits in the Microwave Domain"
- Martino Poggio - "Nano-mechanics, nano-magnetometry, and nano-MRI"
- Seung-Wuk Lee - TBA
- Juan Maldacena - "Gauge theories, string and gravity"
- Francess Ross - "Vapour and liquid phase crystal growth in the transmission electron microscope"
- Mark Golden - “Topological insulators”
- Mike Freedman - 'The topology of Physics and Computation’
- Alan Rowan - 'Biomimetic Gels. Mimicking the intracellular matrix"
- C. J. A. P. Martins - 'Three Tests of LambdaCDM'
- Leandro Tabares - 'In situ determination of Manganese speciation in D. radiodurans by high-field EPR'
- Ursula Klingmüller - 'Bringing scales - Assessing liver regeneration at different levels'
- Vincenzo Vitelli - 'From shocks to failure: the physics and geometry of fragility'
- Akira Endo - ': Nanotechnology for Cosmology: 10 cm-scale devices with highly multiplexed micro-components'
- Mika Sillanpaa - 'Hybrid circuit cavity quantum electrodynamics with a micromechanical resonator'
- Wiebke Guichard - 'How to build a quantum phase-slip junction from a Josephson junction chain'
- Janos Asboth - Chiral symmetry of quantum walks'
- Jian Huang She - 'Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Transition in Heavy Fermion Superlattices'
- Bonnie Bassler - 'Tiny conspiracies: cell-to-cell communication in bacteria'
- Bonnie Bassler - 'Manipulating quorum sensing to control bacterial pathogenicity'
- Binghai Yan - 'Introduction to topological insulator materials'
- Ruben van Drongelen - "The formation of Dark Matter halos in the Excursion Set"
- Matthew Lippert - "Brane models of 2+1 dimensional fermions"
- Michael Schreiber - "Chemistry nobel prize 2011 for a quasiscientist: The forbidden beauty of quasicrystals"
- Dieter Suter- "Towards Reliable Quantum Computing"
- Joanna Brown - "Characterizing the inner regions of protoplanetary disks via rovibrational CO"
- Irene San Jose Garcia - "TBA"
- Oleg Astafiev - "Coherent Quantum Phase Slips in Superconducting Nanowires"
- Gero Miesenböck - "Lighting Up the Brain"
- Marija Mucibabic - "Determination of early events in α-Synuclein Aggregation followed by Single-Molecule Fluoresence"
- Thomas Huisman - "Controlling sinlge-photon propagation"
- Henning Schomerus - "Lasing via topologically protected states in deformed photonic crystals"
- Hagen Kleinert - "QFT of Black Swan Events"
- Theo Odijk - "Tree swaying in turbulent winds: a scaling analysis"
- Tatsuma Nishioka - "Entanglement Entropy and RG Flow"
- Landry Bretheau - "Spectroscopy of Andreev bound states: revealing the hidden side of the Josephson effect"
- Kasper Duivenvoorden - "Topological phases in SU(N) spin chains"
- Rene Wijffels - "Biorefinery of Microalgae"
- Gijs Wuite - "Active Protein Dynamics on DNA: Molecular assembly and fueled collapse"
- Sergio Ioppolo - "THz Time-Domain Spectroscopy of Interstellar Ice Analogs"
- Steffie Ypma - 'Probing efficacy of antisense oligonucleotides with fluorescent silver clusters'
- Phillip Strack - "Singular quantum fluctuations of reconstructing Fermi surfaces"
- Peter Bobbert - "Organic Magnetic Field Effects”
- Saptaswa Sen - "Probing redox enzymes at single molecule level"
- Mathias Müller - "Surface science meets optical spectroscopy - the example of PTCDA on KCl/Ag(100)"
- Achillefs Kapanidis - "Single molecules meet systems biology: DNA/RNA polymerases in bacteria"
- Peter Rabl: "NV-phonon interactions in diamond nanostructures"
- Lars Jeuken - “Catalytic mechanism and protein-protein interaction of CymA, a quinone converting enzyme in the respiratory chain of Shewanella sp.”
- Sense Jan van der Molen - "Quantum interference in molecular charge transport"
- Jan Dahlhaus - "Random-matrix theory of topological superconductors"
- Vadim Cheianov - 'Topological order as a physical phenomenon'
- Yuriy Yanson - "A glimpse on the electrochemical deposition of copper with a high-speed STM"
- Dapeng Ding - "Fano resonances in a multimode waveguide coupled to a multimode ring resonator"
- Jan Traas - "Mechanical signals in plant development"
- Andrew Webb - “From quantum mechanics to clinical diagnosis: magnetic resonance imaging at very high fields at the LUMC”
- Jayson Paulose - "Snap, wrinkle and pop: spherical shells under pressure"
- Klaus von Klitzing - "Physics and Applications of the Quantum Hall Effect"
- Raanan Tobey - "Time-Resolved Soft X-ray Scattering Measurements of Ordered Electronic States in Transition Metal Oxides"
- David Sobral - "Unveiling the Cosmic GDP Crash with a powerful Time-Travelling technique"
- Wilke van der Schee - "Collisions in AdS and holographic thermalisation"
- Bob Rengelink - "Superconducting Single Photon Detectors"
- Alessandra Silvestri - "Testing General Relativity on Cosmological Scales"
- Douglas Osheroff - "Superfluidity in 3He: The Story Behind the Discovery"
- Andrey Mesaros - "Symmetry enriched topological order with exactly solvable models"
- Eckhart Hasselbrink - "Non-Adiabaticity in Surface Chemical Reactions"
- Oleg Shtanko - "Antichirality in 2/3 QHE state: a simple idea and theoretical analysis"
- Hans Clevers - "Lgr5 Stem Cells"
- Wolfgang Ketterle - "Ultracold atomic gasses with strong interaction"
- Wolfgang Ketterle - "Towards quantum magnetism with ultracold atoms"
- Gregor Weihs - "Semiconductor sources of photon pairs"
- Damien Baigl - “Bottom-up designed, triggerable soft matter systems: from DNA and protein regulation to responsive membranes and light-driven microfluidics”
- Wolfram Pernice - "Nonlinear optics and single photon detection on a chip"
- Anthony Leggett - "Testing the limits of quantum mechanics: motivation, state of play, prospects"
- Intreerede: Bionanoscience
- Wolfgang Ketterle - "Superfluid atomic gases --- ultracold, ultra dilute"
- Anthony Leggett - "Glass:the Cinderella problem of low-temperature physics"
- Guiseppe Policastro - "Semiholographic fermions and collective modes"
- Leo Gross - "Individual Molecules Investigated by Scanning Probe Microscopy with Atomically Functionalized Tips"
- Cristian Bonato - "Tunable-strength measurement of single nuclear spins in diamond"
- Andrea Fuster - "Metrics of the brain"
- Bin Hu - "ISW-Lensing bispectrum in modified gravity"
- Zungfeng Liu - "Applications on carbon nanomaterials in fishing and delivery in cell biology studies"
- Dorothea Samtleben - "Light from the invisible in Deep Waters"
- Francois Englert - The Brout-Englert- "Higgs mechanism and its scalar boson"
- Frank Koppens - "Graphene nano-photonics and carrier dynamics"
- Chris Smiet - "Knots in a plasma"
- Stephen Morris - "Consider the Icicle"
- Tristan Meunier - " Controlling the displacement of a single electron spin"
- David Vegh - "Holography without translational symmetry"
- Harald Weinfurther - "Heralded Entanglement between widely separated atoms - Towards the quantum repeater ?"
- Stephan Grill - "Morphogenetic Functions of Actomyosin"
- Chris Kay - " Structural studies of molecular machines: Combining nitroxide spin labelling with X-ray crystallography reveals hidden intermediates"
- Martin van Exter - "Ultimate limits of plasmonics"
- Anna Huttenlocher - "Imaging leukocyte motility and inflammation in vivo: implications to human disease"
- James B. Hannon - "Carbon Nanotubes from Lab to Fab"
- Matthias Heinemann - "Molecular noise in the chemical reaction network of microorganisms"
- Morten Bakker - "Fine tuning of micropillar cavity modes through repetitive oxidations"
- Shahal Ilani - "Understanding oxide interfaces: from microscopic imaging to electronic phases"
- Prof. Omar Saleh (Univ. of California): "DNA-based active gels"
- Eugene Stanley (Boston/Leiden) - "Novel statistical physics approaches to complex systems"
- Philip Kim - " Hofstadter’s Butterfly and interaction driven quantum Hall ferromagnetism in graphene "
- Val Zwiller - “Nanowire quantum dots: single photon generation and detection”
- Martin Plenio - "Quantum effects in biology"
- dr. Anja van de Stolpe and Prof.dr. Ronald Dekker - "Organs on Chips: human organ and disease models"
- Ayan Mukhopadhyay - "Quantum kinetic theory of semi-holographic non-Fermi liquids"
- Tom Shimizu - "Design and implementation of bacterial"
- Eugene Stanley - "Statistical Physics approaches to economic fluctuations: Switching phenomena without switches: What can we do before the next economic crisis? "
- Maxime Dahan - "Target search of DNA-binding proteins in a mammalian nucleus: How to find a specific site in the genome?"
- Symposium "Pierrefest 2013"
- Prof. Sungchul Hohng - "Repetitive unwinding and fork regression of WRN helicase: a Sisyphean task?"
- Charles Marcus - "The resonant exchange qubit"
- Katja C. Nowack - "Imaging currents in HgTe quantum wells in the quantum spin Hall regime"
- Simon Benjamin - "Why you should explode your quantum computer: a network of tiny fragments is powerful and practical"
- Andreas Wagner - "On the origins of evolutionary adaptations and innovations"
- David Lubensky - "Self-organization, planar polarity, and the physics of active foams: A fish eye's view"
- Arjen Beukman - " FlipChip: Keep pristine materials clean"
- BN Seminar by Philipp Holliger: "Synthetic genetics".
- Nikolay Kuzmin's talk is cancelled
- Lecture by dr. Aniket Thete: "Surface controlled colloidal assembly for plasmonic architecture".
- Seminar by Tobias Tiecke (Harvard): 'A single atom coupled to a photonic crystal nanocavity'
- Science meets Business cafe: Innovative Technology Solutions
- Bela Mulder (AMOLF):"Survival of the aligned: modelling the cortical microtubule array in plant cells"
- John A. Marohn (Cornell University, Ithaca, U.S.A.): "Nanoscale Functional Imaging of Organic Materials"
- QN Seminar: Wim Noorduin "Rationally designed complex hierarchical microarchitectures"
- Stirling Churchman: "Visualizing transcription with single nucleotide resolution using nascent transcript sequencing"
- Stevan Nadj-Perge, Princeton University:" Majorana fermions in chains of magnetic atoms on a superconductor"
- Wolfram Moebius: "Range expansions of microoranisms in structured environments"
- Juan Carlos Cuevas:"Heat-dissipation in atomic-scale junctions"
- Lorentz seminar: Yair Shokef (Tel Aviv): "Confinement Effects on the Jamming Transition in Kinetically-Constrained Models"
- Steen Rasmussen and Pier Luigi Luisi:"special BN seminar on synthetic biology and origin of life"
- Prof. Erwin Frey (Munich):"Symmetry Breaking and Pattern Formation in Cellular Systems"
- Hozanna Miro/ KN - Daniël Lam/ KNIC (Kavli Nanolab Imaging Center):"Imaging with Helium Ion Microscope (HIM)" - ": Kavli Nanolab Imaging Center"
- BN mini-symposium:"On the bottom up assembly of minimal cells"
- Hot Topics - Laurens Molenkamp - 'HgTe as a topological insulator'
- Three BN talks: Morgan Beeby (Imperial College), Dominiek Smieden, and Kees Storm (TU Eindhoven)
- Talk by Stefan Semrau (MIT): 'Stem cell differentiation as a symmetry breaking process'
- Lorentz seminar - Henning Schomerus (Lancaster): "Stability and uniqueness of multi-state Bose-Einstein condensates"
- QN seminar - Matthias Troyer, Computational Physics, ETH Zürich:"Quantum Annealing and the D-Wave devices"
- Lorentz Seminar: Benjamin Baxevanis (Hamburg): "Current-induced spin dynamics of a small ferromagnetic cluster"
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii: John J. Toner (Oregon):"Fish gonna swim, birds gotta fly, I gotta do Feynman graphs ’til I die: A Hydrodynamic theory of flocking"
- KN seminar: Vincent Mourik, David van Woerkom, Kun Zuo:"Hybrid superconductor-semiconductor nanowire devices for Majorana fermion research"
- Lorentz seminar: Viacheslav Ostroukh (Kiev):"Cluster formation in systems with long-range interaction "
- Pieter Naaijkens (Hannover):"An algebraic approach to topological entanglement entropy "
- BN Quo Vadis seminar - Christmas party
- BN seminar: Filipe Natalio:"Inspired in Nature: A biomimetic approach "
- Katja Nowack:"Imaging current in quantum spin Hall insulators"
- Joan van der Waals Colloquium: Hans Hilgenkamp: "Interfaces in complex oxides"
- Ron Naaman:"The Chirality Induced Spin Selectivity (CISS) Effect-From Spintronics to Electron Transfer in Biology"
- Seminar: Liedewij Laan (Harvard University): 'How robust is the yeast polarization machine to genetic perturbations?'
- QN seminar: M.A. Eriksson, University of Wisconsin-Madison:"Coherent Oscillations in a Si/SiGe Quantum Dot Hybrid Qubit"
- Dr. Ir. Niko Tombros:"High quality two dimensional heterostructures: The road towards a new class of opto-electronic and spintronic devices"
- Dr. Milan Allan:"Atomic-scale Visualization of Electronic Nematicity and Cooper Pairing in Iron‐based Superconductors"
- Ferdinand Grozema:"2013 Nobel prize in chemistry: Taking the experiment to cyberspace"
- Satoshi Sasaki, Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University:"Superconducting Doped Topological Insulators"
- Dimitrios Fotiadis:"Membrane Proteins: Structure and Application in Bionanotechnology"
- Freek Massee:"Imaging Cooper pair formation in the heavy fermion superconductor CeCoIn5"
- Sanli Faez (MoNOS):"Photons lined up, ready to show us the quantum coherence of electrons"
- Tim Taminiau (TNW, TU Delft):"Quantum coherence and information with spins in diamond"
- Martin Kroner (ETH Zürich):"Mesoscopic Quantum Optics with Quantum Dots"
- BN Seminar: Philippe Bastiaens - 'Pharmacological interference with the spatial organization of oncogenic Ras signalling'
- Van Leeuwenhoek Lecture (Leiden): Sarah O'Connor (John Innes Centre, Norwich, UK) on plant-derived alkaloids
- József Fortágh:"Interfacing Cold Atoms and Nanostructures"
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii: Ben Wandelt:"Cosmic past, present and future"
- Philip Walther, University of Vienna:"Quantum Photonics Renaissance: from Quantum Clouds to Boson Sampling and Quantum Simulation"
- Dr.Ingmar Swart:"Semiconductor crystals with honeycomb periodicity: a new playground for Dirac-fermions"
- Sijbren Otto:"Systems Chemistry: Self-Synthesizing Materials and Self-Replication Driven by Self-Assembly"
- Erik Manders:"Re-scan Confocal Microscopy:scanning twice for better resolution and enhanced sensitivity
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii: Ignacio Cirac:"Quantum simulation of high-energy physics models with cold atoms"
- Robert Hayes (University of Newcastle, Australia): "Nanostructure-function relationships in Ionic Liquids"
- Eva Weig, Department of Physics, University of Konstanz:"Manipulation, damping and coherence of high Q nanomechanical string resonators"
- Peter Silvestrov (TU Braunschweig):"Wigner crystal of a two-dimensional electron gas with a strong spin-orbit interaction"
- Dan Shechtman:"Quasi-periodic crystals – a paradigm shift in crystallography"
- Klaus Mathwig:"Electrical Spectroscopy in Nanofluidic Channels"
- Joan van der Waals Colloquium: Stefan Witte (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) “Lensless microscopy: from X-ray imaging to miniature microscopes”
- Van Leeuwenhoek Lecture on BioScience, Alexander van Oudenaarden (Hubrecht, UMC, MIT): 'Controlling gene expression fluctuations during development'
- BN seminar - Petra Levin:"Size regulation on a microbial scale: The nutrient dependent control of bacterial cell size"
- Hyun Youk:"Deconstructing and Encoding Emergent Behaviors of Cells"
- J.T. Ye, Zernike Institute for Advanced materials, University of Groningen:"Two-dimensional electronics based on ion-gated nanoscheets"
- Erik van der Linden:"Food Structure makes Sense"
- Vincent Mourik (TUDelft):"Majorana fermions in hybrid superconductor-semiconductor nanowire devices"
- Vadim Cheianov, Lancaster University:"Mesoscopic conductance fluctuations at a helical edge of a topological insulator"
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii Elias Kiritsis:"The (most) perfect fluid"
- Special Colloquium Daniel Baumann
- Lucas Kunneman:"Spatial extent and decay dynamics of electron-hole pairs in two-dimensional CdSe nanoplatelets"
- BEP Defense Arie Ravensbergen:"Simulating Coexistence of Bacteria with Different Ageing Strategies in a Spatially Structured Landscape"
- Joris Witsenburg:"The quantitative analysis of microcluster formation in T cell signalling and its regulation with synthetic scaffolds"
- Nathan Vercruyssen: "Technology behind high frequency detectors for astronomy"
- Alain Arneodo:"Master replication origins at the heart of the organization and fragility of the human genome"
- Erika Mancini, University of Oxford:"Molecular Mechanisms in Chromatin Remodelling and Transcription Factors Complexes"
- Patricia Kooyman:"Do-it-yourself TEM !"
- BN seminar Anthony Forster (Uppsala): Protein Synthesis, Synthetic Biology and Drug Discovery
- Steffan Sahl:"Super-resolution fluorescence imaging and applications to aggregation-prone proteins in cells"
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii: David Nesbitt (JILA, Colorado): "A Chemical Physicist in Search of Simplicity: Three Tales from Ultracold Spectroscopy, Collision Dynamics at Gas-Liquid Interfaces, and Real-Time Folding of Single Biomolecules"
- Jens Bardarson:"Topological insulator nanowires -- from Kramers, via Berry, to Majorana"
- Joan van der Waals Colloquium - Helmut Schiessel: "Breaking the second genetic code"
- Professor Stuart Firestein:"Scents and Sensibility: How Biology Perceives Chemistry"
- BN Seminar - Hans Clevers (Hubrecht Institute): "Stem cells: Dr Jekyll or mr Hyde?"
- Simon de Vries (Biocatalysis, TUDelft):"Electron Tunneling Rates In Complex I Are Tuned For Efficient Energy Conversion"
- Marcellus Ubbink (LIC, UL):"“Structures and dynamics of redox protein complexes”
- Davis Gross (UC Santa Barbara)
- Bryan Chen (Institute Lorentz):"Topological soft matter: from linkages to kinks"
- Ewold Verhagen (FOM Institute AMOLF, Amsterdam):"Coupling light and motion using extremely confined optical fields"
- Gary Steele:"Microwave Optomechanics in the SteeleLab"
- Cecile Sykes (Institut Curie):" Shape changes of cell-sized liposomes reveal actomyosin forces"
- Ineke Braakman (Utrecht University):"Mechanisms of membrane glycoprotein folding"
- Ralf Seidel (University of Munster):"Biomolecular machines on and of DNA"
- BN seminar: Roman Stocker (MIT) and Martin Ackermann (ETH Zurich)
- BN seminar: Dr. Peter Cornish (University of Missouri-Columbia): "Roadblocks in protein synthesis: Unraveling the helicase activity of the ribosome with single-molecule FRET"
- Mathew Horrocks (PD CDekkerlab)
- Erik Holstrom (PD NDekkerlab):"Single-Molecule Conformational Dynamics of a Biologically Functional Vitamin-B12 Riboswitch"
- Joan van der Waals Colloquium: Caspar v.d. Wal (Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials - Groningen): "Quantum optics and control of nuclear spin polarization with localized electrons in semiconductors"
- M. Ternes, Max-Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Germany:"Quantum magnetism and many particle effects in molecules studied with scanning probe methods"
- Seungkyu Ha, PhD candidate in Nynke Dekker Group, BN department:"Use of the Nanotechnology/Optics Interface in Biological Physics"
- J. Hone, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Columbia University, New York:"Fabrication, Properties, and Applications of Van der Waals Heterostructures"
- Louis Reese (Dogteromlab):"On length and nucleation of cytoskeletal filaments"
- BN seminar: Andreas Engel: 'Recent progress in cryo-EM: a summary from the Gordon Research Conference on 3DEM'
- Chris Campbell (University of California, San Diego)
- BN seminar: Elzo de Wit (Hubrecht Institute)
- BN seminar: Irinka Castagnon (University of Geneva)
- Je-Kyung Ryu:"NSF disassembles a single SNARE complex in one round of ATP turnover"
- Maxime den Ridder (CJLab)
- Seminar Peter van der Sluijs
- BN seminar: Marcel Reinders (TU Delft): "Biology meets informatics"
- BN Seminar: Frank Bruggeman (VU): 'The astonishing stochasticity of single cells: illustrated with theory and experiment'
- BN Seminar: Melike Lakadamyali (ICFO, Spain)
- BN seminar - Uwe Sauer (ETH Zürich): ‘Coordination of central metabolic fluxes in microbes’
- BN seminar: Yuri Korchev (Imperial College London): "Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy of Soft Biological Matter"
- BN Seminar - Khalid Salaita (Emory Univ.): "Using the Force: Mechanochemistry at the living/nonliving interface"
- BN seminar - Thorben Cordes (University of Groningen): "Single-molecule tools for the study of membrane transporters"
- BN seminar - Jin-Soo Kim (Seoul National University): "RNA-guided Genome Editing in Animals and Plants"
- BN seminar - Harold Erickson (Duke University):"The constriction force for bacterial cytokinesis – curved FtsZ protofilaments bend the membrane"
- Joan van der Waals Colloquium - Daniel Bonn:"How did the Egyptians build the pyramids? Mechanics of and sliding friction on wet sand"
- QN seminar: Alexander Brinkman
- QN seminar: Jan van Ruitenbeek: "Single molecules as a test bed for electron-ion dynamics"
- QN Seminar Per Delsing (Chalmers University of Technology):"Propagating photons and phonons interacting with superconducting qubits"
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - Nigel Hussey:"High-Temperature Superconductivity and the Catch-22 Conundrum"
- BN seminar Carlos Bustamante (U.C. Berkeley): "The folding cooperativity of a protein is controlled by the topology of its polypeptide chain"
- Jean-Christophe Hamilton (APC Paris):"QUBIC, the QU Bolometric Interferometer for Cosmology"
- Zeiss webinar: LSM 880 with Airyscan – Revolutionize Your Confocal Imaging
- KN lab technology colloquium: Alessandro Bruno: "Strategies for extending coherence times in superconducting quantum processors"
- Science meets Business cafe Leiden: Sanli Faez (LION): "Optofluidic single-mode silica fiber for detection of single freely-diffusing dielectric particles based on elastic light scattering"
- ChemE Faculty Colloquium: Christophe Danelon: "Toward the Assembly of a Dividing Minimal Cell"
- 4th DSCB Trippenhuis meeting: “Vesicles on the Move: The Cytoskeletal Connection”
- Joan van der Waals Colloquium: Erika Eiser: "Designing Disorder"
- QN seminar: Michel Devoret, Applied Physics, Yale University: "Friction and Measurements that Preserve rather than Destroy Quantum Entanglement"
- James Hannon:"A New Instrument for Measuring Surface Forces"
- QN Seminar Dr. Krysta Svore, Microsoft Research:"Quantum Computing with Probabilistic Circuits"
- Science meets Business cafe Leiden: Martina Huber (LION): 'Electron Paramagnetic Resonance: novel approaches and instrumentation to get a grip on intrinsically disordered proteins'
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii Jorge Kurchan:"From glasses to Darwinian evolution and back"
- KN Technology Colloquium - Kaveh Lahabi (LION): ‘Fabrication of Superconducting Nano-devices with Focused Ion Beams’
- Van der Waals Colloquium Luca Giomi (LION): “The dynamics of sperm cooperation in a competitive environment”
- QN Seminar Benjamin Huard (CNRS - Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France):"Quantum dynamics of an electromagnetic mode that cannot contain N photons"
- Thesis market at TU Delft
- Extra Seminar Benoit Ladoux, Institut Jacques Monod, Universite Paris Diderot & CNRS:"Cell Adhesion and Mechanics"
- Joan van der Waals Colloquium Jesper Mørk, Technical University of Denmark:"Semiconductor cavity quantum electrodynamics"
- QN Seminar - Vincenzo Vitelli (LION, Instituut-Lorentz for theoretical physics): ‘Topological mechanical metamaterials’
- Joan van der Waals Colloquium - Christine Mummery (LUMC, Department of Anatomy & Embryology): "Multidisciplinary approacheds to creating models for human disease with stem cells"
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - James Hansen (Columbia Univ. & NASA Goddard Inst.): 'Ice Melt, Sea Level Rise and Superstorms: Evidence from Paleoclimate, Modeling, and Modern Data that 2°C Global Warming is Highly Dangerous'
- Peter Brazda (University of Debrecen): "Caught speeding - The dynamics of nuclear receptors"
- QN Seminar Jacqueline Bloch, Laboratoire de Photonique et de Nanostructures, LPN/CNRS:"Manipulating polariton condensates in semiconductor microcavities"
- BN Seminar Eric Tan (University of Amsterdam): "Structural dynamics of isolated biological and synthetic photoswitches"
- QN Seminar - Cynthia Volkert (Institute of Materials Physics, Georg August University Göttingen, Germany): "Dislocation nucleation-limited deformation in Au nanowires"
- ChemE Faculty Colloquium - Sjoerd Hoogland (University of Toronto, Canada): "Colloidal quantum dots and perovskites for solution-processed optoelectronic applications"
- QN seminar - Ronald Hanson (TU Delft): "Quantum science experiments with diamond NV centers: quantum sensing, computing and long-distance entanglement"
- Seminar - Mark Akeson (UC Santa Cruz): "Nanopore Sequencing Comes of Age"
- ChemE FacultyColloquium - Jos Derksen (ChemE-TP): "Dispersed multiphase flow at the particle level"
- BN seminar - Edward Lemke (EMBL Heidelberg): "Decoding molecular plasticity from single molecules to large assemblies”
- BN seminar - Paul Rainey (NZ Institute For Advanced Study):"The evolution of multicellularity"
- BN seminar - James Locke (University of Cambridge): 'The coupling of dynamic gene circuits'
- Ulrich Keyser (University of Cambridge): "Combining nanopore sensing and DNA origami: Direction and salt dependent conductivity & specific protein detection”
- Joan van der Waals Colloquium - Bram Koster (Department of Molecular Cell Biology, LUMC): "Zooming in on cells and macromolecules with cryo-correlative electron microscopy"
- QN Seminar - Christian Glatti (CEA Saclay): "Quiet electrons for electron quantum optics: the levitons"
- Joan van der Waals Colloquium Thorben Cordes (University of Groningen):"Single-molecule tools for the study of membrane transporters"
- EXTRA QN SEMINAR Ioan Pop (Yale):"Coherent Supression of Quasiparticle Dissipation"
- QN Seminar Wilfred G. van der Wiel, MESA Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente:"Exploiting order and disorder in hybrid inorganic-organic electronics"
- BN seminar - Heidi de Wit (VU Amsterdam): "Nanoimaging of the molecular docking machinery for neurotransmitter release"
- BN Seminar Clare Waterman:"Integration of actin and adhesion dynamics in cell migration"
- BN Seminar Gunnar van Heijne (Stockholm Univ.): "Forces acting on nascent polypeptide chains during co-translational protein translocation and folding"
- QN Seminar Mikhail Titov (Radboud University Nijmegen):"Linear magnetoresistance and sign-reversed Coulomb drag in compensated Hall regime"
- Van Leeuwenhoek Lecture on BioScience - Doyne Farmer (Oxford): "The Evolution of Technology"
- QN Seminar Niels de Jonge:"Scanning transmission electron microscopy of whole eukaryotic cells in liquid and in-situ studies of nanomaterials"
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - Gary Steele Delft University of Technology (Kavli Institute of Nanoscience): "Cavity Optomechanics: Detecting and controllingmotion with microwave light"
- QN Seminar Kirill Shtengel:"Anyonics: Designing exotic circuitry with non-Abelian anyons"
- QN Seminar Yihua Wang:"Broken-symmetry states in topological insulators"
- QN Seminar Marijn van Huis:"Resolution of dynamical processes at the nanoscale: in-situ electron Ångströmscopy"
- QN Seminar Mauricio Terrones (Pennsylvania State University)
- BN seminar - Quincey Justman (Editor Cell systems): 'Transitions, in two parts. 1. A cell’s response to environmental change 2. From the post-doc to scientific publishing and the birth of a new journal'
- QN seminar - Tobias Kippenberg : CANCELLED!
- Van Leeuwenhoek Lecture on BioScience - Phillipe Bastiaens (Dortmund): 'Modeling of cell signaling dynamics – Ras moves to stay in place'
- Van Marum Colloquium - Livia Giordano (Università Milano-Bicocca, Italy and Electrochemistry and Energy Laboratory, MIT, USA): 'Charge transfer phenomena and reactivity at oxide surfaces and ultrathin films'
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - Lorentz Professor John Pendry: "The sub wavelength control of light"
- QN Seminar Leonid Levitov (MIT): "Atomic collapse in graphene"
- BN Seminar Karl Duderstadt (RUG):"Single replication machines at work: the coordination of daughter strand synthesis"
- BN Seminar Stan Brouns (Wageningen University): "How Bacteria do not forget their enemies"
- BN Seminar Maria Pia Cosma (Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG) and Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats (ICREA), Barcelona, Spain):"Wnt/ß-catenin signaling controls cell reprogramming and tissue regeneration"
- BN Seminar Vincent Noireaux (University of Minnesota):"Cell-free transcription-translation: from gene circuits to self-assembly in a test tube"
- BN Seminar Misha Kudrashev, Biozentrum, University of Basel, Switzerland:"Structure of membrane proteins in action by cryo electron microscopy"
- QN Seminar Eran Ginossar (University of Surrey, UK): "Fermion parity measurement and control in Majorana circuit quantum electrodynamics"
- QN Seminar Jungsang Kim (Duke University, Durham): "Distributed Quantum Networks based on Trapped Ions"
- QN Seminar Jerry Chow (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights): "Taking Superconducting Qubits to the Next Generation"
- EXTRA QN Seminar Irfan Siddiqi (Quantum Nanoelectronics Laboratory, UC Berkeley): "Taking Control of Superconducting Qubits"
- van Leeuwenhoek Lecture on BioScience Barend Mons (LUMC): "Datastewardship for discovery in human genetics and health"
- Joan van der Waals Colloquium - Prof. Stefano Zapperi (University of Milan): "Size effects in fracture and plasticity"
- EXTRA QN Seminar Stefanie Barz: "Realizing quantum networks, algorithms, and simulations using photons"
- QN Seminar Sander Otte: "Atomic spin chains as testing ground for quantum magnetism"
- This week's discoveries Bernard van Heck (LION): "Majoranas, superconducting circuits and the experimental design of a topological quantum computer"
- BN Seminar - Prof. German Rivas (Madrid): "Systems biochemistry of bacterial division: Reconstructing minimal divisomes in the test tube"
- QN Seminar - Franck Laloë: "Do We Really Understand Quantum Mechanics?"
- Van Marum Colloquium Professor Anja O. Sjåstad: "Nanoparticles and surfaces for heterogeneous catalysis"
- QN seminar - David A. Muller (Kavli Institute at Cornell): "Atomic - Resolution Electron Spectroscopy of Interfaces Phases Realized In Oxides Heterostructures"
- BN Seminar Jack Szostak:"Origins of Cellular Life"
- QN Seminar Nicolas Lorente, Centro de Física de Materiales (CSIC), Donostia International Physics Center, San Sebastián, Spain: "Magnetic excitations and electronic currents on the atomic scale"
- Seminar at BN/Delft - Prof. Mariel Vazquez (UCDavis): "Simplification of replication catenanes by site-specific recombination"
- Van Marum Colloquium
- Seminar at BN - Nenad Pavin (Dept. of Physics, Zagreb, Croatia): "Self-organization and force balance in mitotic spindles"
- Extra BN seminar - Uri Alon (Weizmann): 'Evolutionary tradeoffs and the geometry of gene expression space'
- BN Seminar - Jeroen de Ridder (TU Delft): "3D hotspots of recurrent retroviral insertions reveal long-range interactions with cancer genes"
- QN seminar - Martin P. Weides (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany): "Anharmonic dressing of multi-level superconducting quantum circuits"
- LCN2-seminar Prof. dr. Aske Plaat: "Ebola. Big Data and Complex Networks in the Real World"
- Van Leeuwenhoek Lecture on BioScience - Johan van de Koppel (NIOZ, RUG): "A multidisciplinary approach to pattern formation in ecosystems"
- QN seminar - David C. Bell (Harvard): "Imaging of quantum materials using low-voltage abberation corrected microscopy"
- BN seminar - Takanari Inoue (John Hopkins Univ.): "Intracellular production of synthetic RNA granules by ligand-yielded multivalent enhancers"
- BN Seminar - Christine Payne (Georgia Tech): "Nanoparticle-cell interactions: Importance of protein structure"
- QN Seminar - Peter Krogstrup (Center of Quantuam Devices, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen): "Materials for braiding majorana bound states"
- Theory seminar - Petr Jizba (FNSPE, Czech Technical University in Prague): "Inflationary cosmology from quantum Conformal Gravity"
- NVBMB Speaker of the Year 2015 lecture - Tom Kirchhausen (Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA): "Dynamics of Endocytosis"
- BN Seminar - Björn Schumacher (University of Cologne):"Systemic DNA Damage responses in development and aging"
- ChemE FacultyColloquium - A.L. Kholkin (Univ. of Aveiro, Portugal): "Electrochemical Strain Microscopy"
- QN Seminar - Pieter Kruit (Department of Imaging Physcis, TU Delft): "A Quantum Mechanics Trick: Interaction Free Electron Microscopy"
- LCN2 Seminar - João Dias Rodrigues (Leiden Institute of Environmental Sciences): "'Entropy, inference and economic networks"
- Leiden Chemical Biology Lectures - Prof. Klaus Müllen (Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz): "Carbon Nanostructures by Design"
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - Dov Levine (Technion):"Exotic Order?"
- Extra BN Seminar Hendrik Dietz:"Getting more from single molecules"
- KNAW Biophysics Meeting
- QN Seminar Alexander Tsirlin (Experimental Physics VI, Center for Electronic Correlations and Magnetism, Univ. of Augsburg): "Hunting for spin liquids in two-dimensional quantum magnets"
- BN Seminar John van der Oost (Wageningen Universiteit): "CRISPR-based interference in Prokaryotes"
- QuTech Seminar Philippe Faist (ETH Zürich): “Practical, Reliable Error Bars in Quantum Tomography”
- Van Leeuwenhoek Lecture on BioScience - Monika Heiner (Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus): "From Petrinets to Partial Differential Equations - A Petrinet perspective on systems and synthetic biology"
- QN Seminar - Oriol Romero-Isart (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Innsbruck): "Levitated Nanospheres in the Quantum Regime"
- BN Seminar Jordi Garcia-Ojalvo (UPF Barcelona): "Metabolism and electrophysiology of bacterial biofilms: lessons from an ancestral model of multicellularity"
- QuTech Seminar Jörg Wrachtrup (Universität Stuttgart): "Precision Sensing using Diamond Spins"
- LION seminar Moritz Bünemann (Marburg, Germany): "Voltage dependence of G protein coupled receptors"
- Technology Colloquium - Allard Katan: "Lab on a tip: the capabilities of a modern Atomic Force Microscopy system"
- Fresh & Van Marum Colloquium prof. dr. Aart Kleyn (Chengdu, China): "Sustainability goes global"
- QN Seminar-Dmitry Abanin (Department of Theoretical Physics, University of Geneva): "Ergodicity, entanglement, and many-body localization"
- Talk in Leiden - Mohammad Hamidian (Harvard/UBC, USA): "Cooper-pair Condensate Visualization: Spatial Symmetry Breaking & Intertwined Orders”
- BN Seminar - Pierre-François Lenne (Univ. Aix-Marseille): "Shaping cell contacts during tissue morphogenesis"
- QN Seminar - Florian Marquardt (University of Erlangen): "Tayloring the flow of photons and phonons:
- QT-TNW Talk by Krister Shalm: "A strong loophole-free test of local realism"
- QN Seminar - Reinier Heeres (Yale University): "A Multi-Qubit Quantum Register Encoded in a Superconducting Cavity Resonator"
- BN Seminar - David Rueda (Imperial College London): "Dynamics of nucleic acid - protein interactions with single molecule resolution"
- BN seminar - Wouter de Laat (Hubrecht Institute): "From 3D genome studies that uncover genome functioning to advanced methods for prenatal diagnosis"
- BN Seminar - Benoît Kornmann (ETH Zürich): "The push and pull of mitochondrial gymnastics: mechanical force in mitochondrial dynamics"
- BN Seminar - Eric C. Greene (Columbia University): "Single molecule studies of genetic recombination"
- QN Seminar - Hendrik Ulbricht (University of Southampton, UK): "Prospects to use levitated optomechanics to test quantum mechanics and gravity"
- TU Delft Process Technology Institute lecture - Allan Myerson (MIT, Cambridge, USA): "Nucleation of Organic Molecular Crystals on Surfaces and in Nanopores"
- TU Delft Process Technology Institute lecture - Ronald Rousseau (Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA): "Using Reactive Crystallization to Enhance Product Purity and Yield"
- QN seminar - Marcel Franz (UBC, Canada): "New phases from interacting Majorana fermions"
- QN seminar - Tatyana Baturina (University of Regensburg): "Dynamic Mott Transition in Array of Superconducting Islands"
- LCN2 seminar - Assag Almog (LION): 'From the brain to the economy: finding communities in networks and correlation matrices'
- This week's discoveries lecture - Ariane Briegel (Leiden): "Exploring the ultrastructure of bacteria"
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - Alessandro Vespignani (Northeastern, Boston, USA): "Modeling of epidemics: from the physics of reaction-diffusion processes to infectious disease forecast"
- Van Marum Mini Symposium on "Reactive interaction of adsorbates with surfaces: role of excess electrons and low-coordinated sites" and "New insights into the electroreduction of CO2 to hydrocarbons and alcohols and of N2 to ammonia"
- Celebration renewed liquid helium production facility and ultralow-vibration measuring facilities new Science building in Leiden
- BN Seminar - Wei-Feng Xue (University of Kent): 'Nano-scale properties of the amyloid lifecycle'
- BN Seminar - Rob Philips: 'For the love of viruses'
- BN Seminar - Magda Bienko (Karolinska Institute, Stockholm)
- Van Leeuwenhoek Lecture on BioScience - Carl Johnson (Vanderbilt University, USA)
- Van der Waals colloquium: Wilson Poon (University of Edinburgh) - 'Physics of caramel: simplicity in complexity'
- Van der Waals Colloquium - Pascale Senellart (LPN-CNRS): 'Quantum optics with solid state artificial atoms'
- Van der Waals Colloquium - Felix Baumberger (Université de Genève): 'Oxide 2D electron liquids: new insight from angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy'
- Seminar by Lorentz Professor 2016 Charles Kane: 'Topological Band Theory of Insulators and Semimetals'
- Lecture by Lorentz Professor 2016 Charles Kane: 'Topological Superconductivity'
- Lecture by Lorentz Professor Charles Kane: 'Topological Mechanics'
- BSM Special seminar - Julian Gargiulo (University of Buenos Aires and CIBION institute): 'Printing and connecting colloidal nanoparticles with optical forces'
- Van der Waals colloquium - Ivan Bozovic: 'Why is Tc in cuprates so high?'
- LCN2 Seminar - Vasyl Palchykov: 'Ground truth? Clustering scientific publications'
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - Daniel Fisher (Stanford): 'Can Evolution Be Understood Quantitatively?'
- Lecture by Lorentz Professor Charles Kane: 'Symmetry, Topology and Phases of Matter'
- QuTech Lecture - Nicolas Gisin (University of Geneva): 'Quantum Communication’
- Van Marum Colloquium - Prof.dr. Juan Feliu (Univ. of Alicante): 'Anion adsorption and interfacial pH'
- BN Seminar Christoph F. Schmidt (Georg-August-Universität): 'Broken detailed balance at mesoscopic scales in active biological systems'
- Kavli Technology Colloquium - Richard Norte (Groeblacher Lab): 'Ultra-Delicate Nanofabriction Techniques: Producing Next-Generation Devices'
- BN Seminar - Lars-Anders Carlson: 'In vitro reconstitution of selective HIV-1 RNA packaging by membrane-bound Gag assemblies'
- BSM lecture by Lars Jeuken (Leeds University, UK): 'Mimicking Photosystems: Decaheme Cytochromes as Molecular Electron Conduits in Semiconductor Nanoparticle Photoanodes and Compartmentalised Photocatalysts'
- BN Seminar - Stephan Grill - cancelled
- BN Seminar - Ian McRae (Scripps Institute, USA): "Mechanisms of gene-regulation by microRNAs"
- BN Seminar - Reuven Gordon - tba
- BN Seminar - Evgeny Nudler (NYU School of Medicine): 'New principles of transcription - coupled DNA repair'
- BN Talk - Yong-Hee Lee: 'Squeezing of Photonic Energy into a Point-like Space'
- BN Seminar - Nikta Fakhri: 'Active Matters: probing forces, fluctuations and self-organization in biological systems'
- BN Seminar - Simon Scheuring: 'High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy: The dawn of dynamic structural biochemistry'
- BN Talk by Pim Huis in 't Veld (Max Planck Institute Dortmund): 'Bridging centromeric chromatin and microtubules: towards the reconstitution of the human kinetochore'
- QN Seminar - Jens Paaske (Niels Bohr Institutet, Copenhagen, Denmark): "Self-organized topological superconductivity in Yu-Shiba-Rusinov chains"
- Extra BN seminar - Derek Stein (Brown University, USA): 'New Frontiers in Nanofluidics Research'
- BN Forum: "Facilities Physics Labs"
- BN Seminar - Andrew Chernev (St.Petersburg Academic University): 'DNA detection by THz pumping'
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - John Toner (University of Oregon): 'Swarming in the dirt: Flocking in the presence of quenched disorder'
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - Francesco Sciortino (La Sapienza, Italy): 'Physics with patchy and DNA-made nano-particles'
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - Gregor Neuert (Vanderbilt University): 'Dynamic temporal control and predictive modeling of signaling-activated gene regulation'
- LCN2 Seminar: Epidemic Spread on Networks
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - Mark Trodden (University of Pennsylvania): 'Pushing Einstein’s Boundaries: Gravitational Approaches to the challenges of modern cosmology'
- QN Seminar - Hiroshi Yamaguchi (NTT Group, Japan): 'Piezoelectric phonon manipulation in electromechanical resonators and waveguides'
- QN Seminar - Ilaria Zardo: 'Nanophononics: phonon engineering and manipulation'
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - Michele Parrinello (ETH Zurich): 'Fluctuations and rare events'
- BN Seminar - Aleksandra Walczak: 'Diversity of immune receptor repertoires'
- BN Seminar - Andrew Mugler: 'Collective sensing by communicating cells'
- BN Seminar - Stephan Grill (TU Dresden): 'Physics of Actomyosin-based Morphogenetic Processes'
- BN Seminar - Christian Biertuempfel (Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Molecular Mechanisms of DNA Repair): 'Synthesizing and cutting DNA repair'
- BN Seminar - Naoko Mizuno: 'Mechanistic insights into cell shape formation'
- BN Seminar - Francesca Bottanelli (Yale University): 'Live-cell nanoscopy of protein sorting at the Golgi'
- Kavli Colloquium - Steve Block (Stanford University): 'Optical tweezers: gene regulation studied one molecule at a time'
- BN Seminar - Benoit Kornmann (ETH Zurich): 'Where Form Meets Function: Physiology and Morphology of Intracellular Membrane Systems’
- Van der Waals colloquium - Andrea Fuster (TU Eindhoven): 'Brain imaging, physics and more'
- Van der Waals colloquium - Leo Radzihovsky (University of Colorado): "Fluctuations, stability, and phase transitions in quantum liquid crystal superfluids"
- Van der Waals colloquium - Carl-Phylipp Heisenberg (IST Austria): Cancelled
- Van der Waals colloquium - Philip Moll (MPI Dresden): 'Hydrodynamic flow of electrons'
- Van der Waals colloquium - Thomas Ebbesen (CNRS Strasbourg): 'The Alchemy of Vacuum - Hybridizing Light and Matter'
- QN Seminar - Toeno van der Sar (Harvard University): 'Exploring condensed-matter physics using single-spin magnetometry'
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - Philip Kim (Harvard University): 'Correlated electrons in graphene'
- BN Seminar - Martin Howard (John Innes Centre UK): 'Analogue or digital? Bursty or Poissonian? Dissecting the fundamentals of transcriptional regulation'
- BN Seminar - Manfred Wuhrer (LUMC Leiden): 'Clinical Proteomics and Metabolomis at the LUMC'
- BN Seminar - Marvin Tanenbaum (Hubrecht Institute): 'Real-time observation of translation of single mRNA molecules in live cells'
- BN Seminar - Christof Gebhardt ( Ulm Univeristy Germany): Quantitative single molecule imaging in living cells and animals
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - Leo Radzihovsky (University of Colorado): 'Chiral symmetry breaking, emergent Higgs mechanism, and critical matter'
- Kavli colloquium - Markus Aspelmeyer (University of Vienna): 'Quantum Optomechanics: exploring mechanical motion in the quantum regime'
- Talk by BN alumnus at Delft Global Seminar 'Health in low resource settings'
- Tutorial by PhD student Jonas Helsen on group theory and representation theory
- Tutorial by PhD student Jonas Helsen on group theory and representation theory
- BN Seminar - Karen Alim (Max Plancke Institute for Dynamics - Gottingen, Germany): Morphology control by active fluid flows
- BN Seminar - Ilya Nemenman (Emory University USA)
- QN Colloquium: Cees Dekker (Delft/BN): 'Nanotechnology for biophysics, from single molecules towards synthetic cells'
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - Yossi Avron (Technion, IIT, Israël): 'The geometry of non-dissipative transport: From conductance to viscosity'
- BN Talk - Francesca Mattiroli (candidate ND Lab): 'Evolution and assembly of eukaryotic chromatin'
- 'Getting to know QN' colloquium - Simon Groeblacher (QN): 'Quantum physics with massive mechanical objects'
- BN Seminar - Gasper Tkacik (IST Austria): 'Information processing in neural and gene regulatory networks'
- BN Seminar - Bart Hoogenboom (London Centre for Nanotechnology): 'Nanoscale drilling machines: Pore forming proteins in bacterial attack and immune defence'
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - Oleg Lavrentovich (Kent State): 'Dynamics of Colloids in Liquid Crystals'
- ChemE FacultyColloquium - Pouyan Boukany (Delft/ChemE): 'Biological soft matter: From fundamentals to applications'
- Van Leeuwenhoek lecture on Bionanoscience - Phil Ingham (Exeter): 'From flies to fish to therapy'
- Van Leeuwenhoek Lecture on Bionanoscience - Andy Knoll (Harvard): 'The Proterozoic Eon: Life and Environments in Earth’s Middle Age'
- BN Seminar - Giovanni Maglia (RUG): 'Single-molecule enzymology and sequencing with nanopores'
- BN Seminar - Phil Nelson (Upenn): 'Old and new news about single-photon sensitivity in human vision'
- BN Seminar - John Diffley (The Francis Crick Institute)
- BN Seminar - Geert Kops (Hubrecht Institute): 'Evolution and function of eukaryotic kinetochores'
- QN Seminar - Ignacio Wilson-Rae (University of New York): 'Quantum-emitter optomechanics'
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - Anne Davis (University of Cambridge): 'The accelerating Universe'
- QN Colloquium - Dries van Oosten (Universiteit van Utrecht): tba
- Career Event in Leiden (Betabanenmarkt)
- Van der Waals colloquium - Francisco Balzarotti (Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry): 'Molecular resolution imaging and tracking of single proteins with minimal photon fluxes'
- BN Seminar - Francisco Balzarotti (MPI – Department Biophysical Chemistry): 'Molecular resolution imaging and tracking of single proteins with minimal photon fluxes'
- Van der Waals colloquium - Silke Buhler-Paschen (TU Wien, Austria): 'Turmoil at absolute zero – and what it has to do with quantum criticality in heavy fermion compounds'
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - Jacques Prost (Marie Curie Institute): 'Long time tissue dynamics and multicellular spheroids'
- LCN2 March seminar - Rick Quax (University of Amsterdam): 'Quantifying systemic instability in networks using information dissipation'
- Van der Waals colloquium - Matthew Kenworthy (Leiden Observatory): 'Looking for giant rings around a directly imaged exoplanet in 2017 -- the bRing Project'
- Presentation results Casimir Course 'Animated Science'
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - Christina Marchetti (Syracuse University): 'Active Matter: from colloids to living cells'
- Van der Waals colloquium - cancelled
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - Sir Michael Berry (Bristol University): 'Variations on a theme of Aharonov and Bohm'
- BN Seminar - Sjaak Neefjes (NKI): tba
- BN Seminar Elizabeth Wright (Emory University): 'The Pathways Traveled: Structural Studies of Virus Assembly'
- Van der Waals colloquium: Cancelled
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - Julia Yoemans (University of Oxford): 'Topology in Biology'
- Van der Waals colloquium- Alan M. Bond (Monash University, Australia): 'Synthesis, characterization and reactivity of a new class of anti-cancer drugs'
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii: Renata Kallosh (Lorentz Professor 2017/Stanford): 'From Planck to Escher'
- QuTech Colloquium - Andrew Childs (Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science)
- QuTech Colloquium - Alexandre Blais (Universite de Sherbrooke): 'Towards quantum annealing with circuit QED'
- QuTech Colloquium - Rainer Blatt (Universitaet Innsbruck): 'The Quantum Way of Doing Computations'
- Van Leeuwenhoek Lecture on BioScience - Alain Arnedo (Universite de Bordeaux, LOMA): 'The role of nucleosome positioning in genome function and evolution'
- Van Leeuwenhoek Lecture on Bioscience - Paul Hooykaas (Leiden Univeristy): Agrobacterium-mediated transformation, pathogenesis by trans-kingdom conjugation
- Van Leeuwenboek Lecture on Bioscience - Justin Nodwell ( University of Toronto): 'Chemical genetic dissection of an unusual animalcule'
- Van Leeuwenhoek Lecture on Bioscience - Donald Canfield (Odense): 'Breathing easy at night: Atmospheric oxygen and biological evolution'
- QuTech Theory/Software Seminar - Filip Rozpedek & Rafal Skolanski
- QuTech FT/QINC Seminar - Lingling Lao: 'Simulation of Fault-tolerant operations on planar surface codes'
- Hot Topics Seminar - Phil Nelson (Upenn)
- QN Seminar - Ady Stern (Weizmann Institute): 'Topological superconductivity between one and two dimensions'
- QN Seminar David Goldhaber-Gordon (Stanford University): 'Making and using beams of electrons in graphene'
- QN Seminar - Jeremy Baumberg, NanoPhotonics Centre (University of Cambridge): 'Watching and sensing single molecules by confining light to the atom scale'
- BN Talk - Albetro Blanch (CD Lab): 'Engineering the assembly of inducible artificial membrane-less organelles in cells'
- BN Seminar - Blake Wiedenheft (Montana State university); tba
- BN Seminar - Sjaak Neefjes (LUMC): 'How do endosomal vesicles move? A surprising interaction network in and between organelles'
- QuTech Tutorial part 1 - Nathan Langford: 'Probing atoms with light and light with atoms: an introduction to tuning up a transmon circuit QED experiment'
- QuTech Tutorial part 2 - Nathan Langford: 'Probing atoms with light and light with atoms: an introduction to tuning up a transmon circuit QED experiment'
- BN Seminar - Amir Yacoby: 'Nano meter scale magnetic resonance imaging using nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond'
- QuTech Seminar - Shyam Shankar (Yale University Applied Physics): 'Processing microwave photons at the quantum limit with 3-wave mixing Josephson elements'
- Talk Jinju Han: "Functional implications of miR-19 in the migration of newborn neurons in the adult brain"
- BN seminar Joachim Spatz (Max Planck Inst. for Medical Research): "Sequential Bottom-up Assembly of Synthetic Cells"
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - Sriram Ramaswamy (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore): 'Living and Driven Matter'
- QN Colloquium - Manuel Bibes (Unité Mixte de Physique CNRS/Thales, France): 'Imaging, controlling and harnessing non-collinear magnetism in perovskite oxides'
- Leiden Sackler Lecture in Astrophysics 2017 - Re'em Sari (The Hebrew university, Jerusalem): 'Dynamical processes in the galactic centre'
- SmB Café - Blandine le Tallec & Dimitar Tasev
- QN Seminar - Pavlo Zubko (London Centre for Nanotechnology, University College London): 'Electrostatic- and strain-engineering of domain structures in nanoscale ferroelectrics'
- BN Talk - Christine Jacobs-Wagner (Yale University)
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - Nuh Gedik: 'Optical tuning of electronic valleys'
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - Niek van Hulst (ICFO): 'Looking into Single Molecules at the last Frontier'
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - cancelled
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - Dmitri Basov (Columbia university): 'Polaritons in van der Waals materials: insights from near field nano-optics'
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - Erica Carlson (Purdue University): 'Decoding Spatial Complexity in Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems'
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - Roel Dullens (University of Oxford): 'Two-dimensional melting of colloidal hard spheres'
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - Vidya Madvahan (UIUC): 'Massless and Massive Electrons: Relativistic Physics in Condensed Matter Systems'
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - Mete Atature (University of Cambridge): “Solid-State Spin-Photon Interfaces: Old Friends & New”
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - Thomas Prisner (Universitaet Frankfurt): Structure and Dynamics of Nucleic Acid Molecules
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - Marco Aprili ( CNRS / Université du Paris-Sud): "Spin Physics in Mesoscopic Superconductors"
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - CANCELLED!
- BN Seminar - Thomas Ouldridge (Imperial college Londen): tba
- BN Seminar - Martin Lenz (Université Paris Sud): tba
- QN Colloquium - Katharina Franke (Fachbereich Physik, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany): 'Single magnetic adatoms and coupled spin chains on superconducting Pb'
- QN Talk Misha Katsnelson (Radboud University Nijmegen): 'Many-body effects in graphene'
- LCN2 Seminar - Thijs Perenboom (LUMC): 'The hyperexcitable migraine brain'
- QN Seminar - Fabian Hassler (Aachen University): 'Topological order and phase transitions in the Majorana toric code'
- BN Talk - Masahiro Kitagawa (Osaka University): 'Room temperature nuclear hyperpolarization using photo-excited triplet electrons'
- QN Colloquium - F. Javier Garcia de Abajo (ICFO - The institute of Photonic Sciences, Barcelona): 'Quantum physics with plasmons in graphene and other atomic-scale systems'
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - Frank Juelicher (Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems): 'Symmetry Breaking of Biological Cells'
- Science Meets Business Cafe - Scott Waitukaitis: 'Elastic Leidenfrost Effect'
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - Jeroen van den Brink (Institute for the Theoretical Solid State Physics, Dresden, Germany): 'The axion electromagnetic response of topological insulators'
- BN Seminar - Martin Howard (John Innes Center)
- BN Seminar - Mike Rust (University of Chicago): 'Bacterial Strategies for Growth in Rhythmic Environments'
- BN Seminar - Erwin Frey (LMU): "Self-organisation and pattern formation in cellular systems"
- BN Seminar - Grégoire Altan-Bonnett (NIH): "Modeling how cytokine communications regulate the phenotypic variability of immune cells across spatio-temporal scales"
- QuTech theory/software Seminar - Joel Klassen and Savvas Vasamopulos
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - Jörg Schmalian (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology): 'Hydrodynamics in isotropic and anisotropic Dirac systems'
- QN Talk - Domenico d'Alessandro: 'Optimal Control of a Class of Quantum Systems'
- Talk Felix Hol (Stanford University, Department of Bioengineering): "Mosquitoes meet microfluidics: high-throughput molecular interrogation of mosquito-pathogen communities"
- BN Seminar - Tom de Greef (TU Eindhoven): 'Engineering Bioinspired Molecular Networks and Synthetic Cells'
- Van Leeuwenhoek Lecture on BioSience - Nathaniel Martin (Utrecht University): 'Addressing Antibiotic Resistance: New strategies for Targeting the Bacterial Cell Wall'
- Van Leeuwenhoek Lecture on BioScience - Nico Tillie (TUD): 'Synergetic Urban Landscape Planning – Urban metabolism and the use of city data in Rotterdam to plan for a city as a sustainable ecosystem'
- Van Leeuwenhoek Lecture on BioScience - Jonathan Sherratt (Edinburgh, School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences): 'Using mathematics and history to predict the future of semi-arid vegetation'
- QuTech Colloquium - Dirk Englund (Massachusetts Institute of Technology): postponed. new date will follow soon
- QuTech Colloquium - Peter Zoller (University of Innsbruck): "Quantum Simulation in the Innsbruck Quantum Cloud"
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - Dirk Morr (University of Chicago): 'The ubiquity of topology: of superconductors and heavy fermions'
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - Edmund J. Copeland (University of Nottingham): 'Attempts to explain our accelerating universe - from dark energy to modified gravity and from cosmological to atomic scales'
- LCN2 Seminar - Hakan Güldas: 'Random walks on dynamic configuration model'
- QN Colloquium - Eli Zeldov (Weizmann Institute of Science): 'Nanoscale thermal imaging: glimpse into dissipation in quantum systems down to atomic scale'
- QN Seminar - Emre Togan: 'Realization of artificial gauge potentials and strong interactions with exciton polaritons'
- QN Seminar - Arthur Barnard: 'New tools for probing classical and quantum nanomaterials'
- QN Seminar - Fereshte Ghahari (National Institute of Standards and Technology, University of Maryland College Park): 'Quantized States, Berry Phases, and Quantum-Hall Wedding-Cake structures in Graphene Quantum Dots'
- QN Seminar - Yiwen Chu (Yale University, Department of Applied Physics): 'Quantum acoustics with superconducting qubits'
- QN Seminar - Jeevak Parpia (Cornell University, NY, USA): 'Superfluid 3He, Its time again! '
- Folding genome by loop extrusion - talk at BN by Leonid Mirny (MIT)
- LCN2 Seminar - Rense Corten (Utrecht University): “Segregation in Social Networks”
- BN Seminar- Friedrich Foerster: TBA
- Kavli colloquium - Hagan Bayley (Oxford University): "Nanopore engineering"
- IL Seminar: Steven Simon (Oxford) - " Topologically Ordered Matter and Why You Should be Interested"
- IL Seminar:Constantin Schrade (MIT) -TBA
- BN Theory forum - Wouter Ellenbroek (TU Eindhoven): "Modelling reversibly crosslinked polymer networks"
- BN seminar - Puk Knipscheer (Hubrecht Institute): "A novel pathway repairs endogenous DNA interstrand crosslinks"
- BN seminar - Max Ryadnov (National Physical Laboratory): Designer protein self-assembly: new forms for old functions
- BN seminar - Kazufumi Mochizuki (CNRS): "Small RNA-directed DNA elimination in Tetrahymena"
- van Leeuwenhoek Lecture - Beat Fierz (LCBM Lausanne) "Revealing chromatin state organization on the single-molecule scale"
- QN Colloquium - José Ignacio Latorre (University of Barcelona): "Maximal Entanglement in Particle Physics"
- QN Theory seminar - Steven Simon (Oxford Theoretical Physics): Topologically Ordered Matter and Why You Should be Interested
- QuTech Colloquium - Sae Woo Nam (NIST): "Single Photon Detection Using Superconductors: Progress and Promise"
- Ada Lovelace Distinguished Lecture Series - Anne Condon (Univ. of British Columbia): "Discovering the secret powers of bio-molecules"
- BN seminar - Elif Karagoz (Univ. of California): "Sensing and Responding to Protein Folding Stress in the Endoplasmic Reticulum"
- IL seminar: Constantin Schrade (MIT) - "Majorana superconducting qubits "
- IL seminar: Alexander Ossipov (Nottingham) - "Scattering approach to Anderson localisation "
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii: Stefan Maier (Imperial College, London) - "Plasmonic and dielectric nanocavities for enhancing light/matter interactions and nanolocalized chemistry"
- BN seminar - Ethan Garner (Harvard University): "A tale of contrasting dynamics: How two different polymers define the rod shape of bacteria and divide them in half"
- BN seminar - Jian Xu (National University of Singapore): "Chilling temperature and stem cell integrity: A root perspective"
- BN seminar - Minsu Kim (Emory College of Arts and Sciences/Department of Physics): "Stochastic nature of bacterial eradication using antibiotics"
- IL seminar: Clement Tauber (Zurich) "Bulk-edge correspondence for Floquet topological insulators"
- IL seminar - Yevheniia Cheipesh (Goettingen): "Exact description of the boundary theory of the Kitaev Toric Code with open boundary conditions"
- QuTech seminar - Gregory Fuchs (Cornell University):"Quantum Control Over Diamond Qubits Using a Mechanical Resonator"
- QuTech seminar - Dirk Englund (Quantum Phototonics Lab): tba
- Lecture course Lorentz Professor - Tom Lubensky (University of Pennsylvania): Lectures on Elasticity - Lecture I: "Fundamentals"
- Lecture course Lorentz Professor - Tom Lubensky (University of Pennsylvania): Lectures on Elasticity - Lecture II: "Sample materials"
- Lecture course Lorentz Professor - Tom Lubensky (University of Pennsylvania): Lecture III: "Elasticity of Topological Mechanical Networks"
- BN seminar - Kazufumi Mochizuki (Institute of Human Genetics): "Small RNA-directed DNA elimination in Tetrahymena"
- Van Leeuwenhoek Lecture - Jim Mullikin (NIH, Rockville): "DNA sequencing technology and its applications to better understand the world around us"
- Kavli Colloquium - Tim Michison (Harvard university): "Spatial Organization of a Very Large Cell by Microtubules”
- QuTech seminar - Pablo Perez Piskunow: "The kernel polynomial method (KPM) applied to condensed-matter"
- James de Yoreo:" They call it "Free Energy". So, hey, why pay?"
- Seminar at BN - Houra Merrikh (University of Washington): "The clash of macromolecular titans: replication-transcription conflicts in bacteria"
- Inaugural lecture Barbara Terhal (Delft/QuTech): "What makes quantum computers powerful?"
- Presentation by Phillip Szuromi (Science): "Scientific Publishing from the Inside Out"
- QN seminar - Silvan Schmid (Vienna): "Single-molecule analysis with silicon nitride drums"
- Seminar Quantum Tinkerer Group - Valla Fatemi: "Gate-Accessible Superconductivity and Helical Modes in Monolayer WTe2"
- QN seminar - Amir Safavi-Naeini (Stanford University) on developing wires for acoustic phonons
- Multigrid and Multilevel Methods Workshop Day
- BN seminar - Tom Lubensky (Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania/Lorentz Professor 2018): "Confined Chromonics and Viral Membranes"
- BN seminar - Vijay Tiwari (Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB): “Deciphering the Epigenetic Code of Brain Development & Function”
- BN seminar - Shixin Liu (Rockefeller University, USA): "Functional plasticity in ring-shaped molecular motors"
- QuTech Colloquium - Steven M. Girvin (Yale Quantum Institute): "Quantum Information Processing with Microwave Photons"
- QN Colloquium - Michael Hartman (Heriot-Watt University): "Engineered Quantum Dynamics in Superconducting Circuits"
- QuTech lecture - Phillippe Bergonzo (UC London): "CVD diamond growth: how to meet our expectations?"
- van Leeuwenhoek Lecture - Marcel Tijsterman (LUMC/IBL): "On worms, transgenic plants, and breast cancer patients"
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - Hong Liu (MIT): "The reasonable and unreasonable effectiveness of hydrodynamics in exotic quantum matter "
- Il seminar - Mark Steudtner (Lorentz Institute): "Fermionic Quantum computation"
- QuTech seminar - Tim Coopmans: "How would you like your stabilizer state? Different compact descriptions of stabilizer states"
- Theory Seminar: Ryuichi Shindou (Beijing): "Theories of spin-nematic excitonic insulators in graphite under high magnetic field and quantum multi-criticality in disordered Weyl semimetal"
- Theory seminar: Bert Kappen (Donders Inst., Nijmegen Univ.): "Learning quantum models from quantum or classical data"
- Cosmology seminar - Anjan Ananda Sen (Jamia Millia Islamia Central University in New Delhi): " The price of shifting the Hubble constant and evidence for dark energy evolution"
- TNW seminar - N. Gauquelin ( University of Antwerp): "Understanding structure-property relationships in complex oxide films and interfaces by advanced STEM and EELS"
- Qu-tech seminar - Bas Hensen: "Gate-based dispersive spin readout of a silicon metal-oxide-semiconductor double quantum dot"
- QuTech Colloquium - Andrea Morello (UNSW Sydney, Australia): "Quantum Computing and Quantum Chaos with Single Dopants in Silicon"
- LCN2 Seminar - Hugo Touchette: "Processes on networks: From football to epidemics"
- Il seminar - Oles Shtanko (MIT): "Dephasing-induced viscosity effects in quantum transport"
- Lorentz seminar - Gal Lemut: "Charge Detection Enables Free-Electron Quantum Computation"
- BN seminar - Rikiya Watanabe (Univ. of Tokyo): "Artificial biomembrane microsystems for single molecule analysis of membrane proteins"
- QN lecture - C.K. Walker (unv. of Arizona): NASA balloon borne spectroscopic terahertz observatory (GUSTO)"
- Van Leeuwenhoek Lecture on BioScience - Ton Bisseling (WUR): "The evolution of the nitrogen fixing root nodule symbiosis; how to live from air
- BN seminar - Jop Kind (Hubrecht): TBA
- BN seminar (Cees Dekker lab): "Getting more out of nanopore experiments"
- BN seminar - Aafke van den Berg (Mirnay Lab):"Treadmill model for cohesin-gene interactions
- QN seminar - Erik Garnett (AMOLFF): "What can nano really do for solar?"
- QN Colloquium - Patrick Maletinsky: "Nanoscale single spin magnetometry of condensed-matter systems"
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - Sean Carrol (Caltech): "Extracting the Universe from the Wave Function"
- BN seminar - Jop Kind (Hubrecht): "Untangling spatial genome organization: detailed insights from single-cell DamID"
- BN seminar - Mary Dunlop (Boston University): “Dynamics, Feedback, and Transient Antibiotic Resistance in Single Cells”
- BN seminar - Hector Tejeda: "Membrane elasticity changes of intestinal cells correlates with cell barrier function under drug action"
- Kavli Colloquium - David Awschalom: "Quantum spintronics: controlling and connecting spins in semiconductors"
- QuTech talk - Boris Fine (Skoltech Faculty): "Hybrid quantum-classical method for simulating high-temperature dynamics of nuclear spins in solids"
- Qutech seminar - Wolfgang Loeffler (Leiden university): "Quantum dots, cavities and photons"
- QN seminar - Yasuhiro Tokura (Tsukuba university): "Microwave amplitude dependence of electric-dipole spin resonance"
- QN seminar - Romain Quidant (ICFO): "Taming the dynamics of a levitated nanoparticle in vacuum"
- BN seminar - Peter Swain (University of Edinburgh): "A distributed and dynamic intracellular organization of extracellular information"
- QuTech lecture - Constantin Schrade (MIT): "Andreev or Majorana, Cooper finds out"
- Holography@D-ITP Triangle Meeting
- QuTech seminar - Sergii Strelchuk (University of Cambridge): "Classical and quantum features of the Schur transform for information processing"
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - Itamar Procaccia (Weizmann): "Catastrophic failure of Amorphous Solids"
- IL seminar - Watse Sybesma (University of Iceland) - "Hyperscaling violating black holes with spherical and hyperbolic horizons"
- Van Leeuwenhoek Lecture - Marta Miaczynska (Warsaw, Int. Inst. of Mol. and Cell Biology): "How do cells integrate endocytic membrane trafficking and signal transduction?"
- QuTech Colloquium - Menno Veldhorst (QuTech): Quantum computation with silicon and germanium"
- Cosmology seminar - Isaac Tutusaus Lleixa (IRAP, Toulouse): "Cosmic acceleration and type Ia supernovae luminosity-redshift dependence"
- IL seminar - Ulf Gran (Chalmers University): "Holographic Plasmons"
- QuTech seminar - Bert Kappen (Radboud University Nijmegen, Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit UCL London): "The Quantum Boltzmann Machine"
- Joan van der Waals Colloquium - Amit Meller (The techniom Israel Institute of Technology): "Nanopore bio-sensing: past, present and future"
- BN seminar - Qiong Yang (University of Michigan): “From molecules to development: understanding how biological oscillators function and coordinate”
- Mini-symposium ‘Optical Tweezers and more: Manipulation of Objects at the Nano-meter Scale’
- Cosmology seminar - Louis Perenon: "Optimising growth of structure constraints for modified gravity"
- BN Seminar Amit Meller (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology): “Nanopores, Light, Proteins…”
- IL seminar - Erik Plauschinn (LMU Munich): " Non-geometric backgrounds in string theory"
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - Marc Mézard (ENS, Paris): " Statistical Inference and statistical physics"
- BN seminar - Vasili Hauryliuk (Umea University): “Adding names to the list of translational ABCF ATPases”
- BN seminar - Joseph Larkin: “Signal percolation in a population of bacteria”
- BN seminar - Tyler Kirby (Cornell, USA): “Lamin mutations cause mechanically-induced nuclear envelope rupture and DNA damage in muscle fibers”
- IL seminar - Andrew Green (UCL): "The Lyapunov Spectrum of quantum thermalisation"
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - Jacqueline Bloch (CNRS/Paris Sud University): "Fluids of light in semiconductor lattices"
- ChemE FacultyColloquium - Moises Canle (Univ. of A Coruña, Spain): "How is it like being a radical?
- ChemE FacultyColloquium - Susan van Rossum:"Catalytic control in out-of-equilibrium systems"
- Qn seminar - Miletto Granozio (CNR-SPIN, UOS Napoli): " Formation mechanism and atomic engineering of 2-dimensional electron gases at oxide interfaces"
- BN seminar - Elias Puchner (University of Minnesota): "“Quantitative and motion-corrected super-resolution imaging of organelle dynamics and signalling cluster formation in living cells”
- Seminar Bojk Berghuis: ”Mini-metagenomics-based discovery of novel methanogens in thermal hot springs“
- Seminar Danny Sahtoe (David Baker lab, Seattle): "De Novo Computational Protein Design for Blood-Brain-Barrier Traversal"
- String Theory seminar - Razvan Gurau (Polytechnique): "Invitation to random tensors and tensor field theory ''
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - Juan Maldacena (Princeton): "Wormholes and entangled states"
- Joan van der Waals Colloquium - Simon Groblacher (Delft/QN): "Quantum experiments with massive, mechanical oscillators"
- QN seminar - John E. Sader (University of Melbourne): "Dynamics of nanometre scale mechanical resonators in fluid with applications to atomic and molecular sensing"
- ChemE Faculty Colloquium - Olivier Dauchot (Laboratoire Gulliver): "Model Experiments of Active Matter: at the interface between living organisms and theoretical models"
- BN seminar - Sigal Ben-Yehuda, (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem): ” Bacterial nanotubes: conduits for intercellular molecular trafficking”
- Theory seminar - Fabian Hassler (Aachen): "Dual Shapiro steps of a phase-slip junction in the presence of a parasitic capacitance"
- String theory seminar - Chris Herzog ( King's college): "Graphene and Boundary Conformal Field Theory"
- QN Colloquium - Phil King (School of Physics & Atronomy, St. Andrews):"Controlling quantum materials"
- LCN2 Seminar -Tiziano Squartini (IMT Institute for Advanced Studies): "Network Ensembles"
- QuTech lecture - Matthew Berrington (Australian National University): " Rare earth crystals for microwave-optical conversion"
- QuTech talk - Johannes Borregaard: "One-way quantum repeaters with photonic cluster states"
- Cosmology Mini symposium with several speakers
- Cosmology seminar - Tao Yang (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing): "Gravitational wave multi-messenger cosmology"
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - Paul Ginsparg (Cornell): At a Physics/Infosci intersection
- Joan van der Waals Colloquium - Guillaume Schull (CNRS Universite de Strasbourg): "STM-induced light emission: from molecular LED to subnanometric optical microscopy
- ChemE FacultyColloquium - Annemarie Beers: "Scaling up aspects of supported metal catalysts and other materials"
- BN seminar - Julián Valero: “Functional interlocked DNA nanostructures for engineering novel biomimetic systems”
- Inaugural speech prof.dr. P. Steeneken (3mE/TNW): nanosystems
- Cosmology seminar - Elena Sellentin (Leiden Observatory): TBA
- String Theory seminar - Tomaz Prosen (University of Ljubljana): " Exact Spectral Form Factor and Entanglement Spreading in a Minimal Model of Many-Body Quantum Chaos"
- QuTech lecture - Theodoros Kapourniotis (University of Edinburgh): "Fault-tolerant metrology"
- BN seminar - Herve Isambert (Institut Curie): "Membrane reshaping by micrometric curvature sensitive septin filaments"
- Cosmology seminar - Pierre Fleury (Université de Genève): "Weak gravitational lensing with finite beams"
- Invitation Life Sciences Café & New Years Reception
- Van Leeuwenhoek Lecture on BioScience - Tjeerd Barf: "Covalent inhibitor drugs: From serendipity to rational technology"
- Cosmology seminar - Matteo Maturi: "Galaxy clusters as tools for cosmology"
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - Ben Feringa (university of Groningen): " The Art of Building Small "
- ChemE FacultyColloquium - Ekkes Brück: "Materials for efficient heat pumps"
- ChemE Faculty Colloquium - Valeria Garbin (Imperial College): "Dynamic capillary assembly of colloids at interfaces with 10,000g accelerations"
- BN seminar - Ronald van Rij (Radboud UMC): Biogenesis and functions of virus and host-derived piRNAs in vector mosquitoes"
- Herve Isambert (Institut Curie): "Membrane reshaping by micrometric curvature sensitive septin filaments"
- QN Colloquium Jan Aarts (Leiden University): "Combining superconductors and ferromagnets: from pi-junctions to spin-triplet supercurrents"
- Software theory seminar - Pablo Pérez Piskunow: "Computation of topological invariants in disordered systems using algebraic projectors"
- Soft & Biological Matter Seminar - Kislon Voitchovsky (Durham University): "Self-assembled networks of ions and molecules at solid-liquid interfaces: organisation and dynamics"
- Cosmology seminar - Patricio Vielva (Instituto de Física de Cantabria (Universidad de Cantabria (CSIC)): TBA
- ChemE Faculty Colloquium - D. Bedeaux (Norwegian university): "Small system thermodynamics"
- LCN2 Seminar - Matteo Sfragara (Leiden): "Queue-based activation protocols in random-access wireless networks"
- ChemE FacultyColloquium - Eduardo Andres Garcia: "Revealing the Mystery"
- QuTech talk - Prof. Adam Micolich (UNSW Sydney): New materials for nanoelectronics: "Ultrathin Parylene insulators, p-GaAs nanowire transistors and InAs nanofin Hall bars"
- QuTech talk - Andras Gilyen: "Quantum-inspired low-rank stochastic regression with logarithmic dependence on the dimension"
- QuTech talk - Christoph Becher Universität des Saarlandes): "TBA"
- BN seminar - Herve Isambert (Institut Curie): "TBA"
- BN seminar - Morgan Beeby (Imperial College London): "TBA"
- This week's discoveries - Kaveh Lahabi (LION): "Magnetically controlled paths for spin-polarised supercurrents"
- Seminar Caviglia lab - Eric Bousquet (University of Liège): "Scrutinizing magnetoelectricity and multiferroism from first-principles: microscopic understanding and design rules"
- BN seminar - Armagan Kocer (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen): "Mechanistic understanding and reverse engineering of ion channels: from fundamental science to nanotechnology"
- QuTech talk - Oleg Lychkovskiy (Skolkovo Institute ): "Non-diagonal problem Hamiltonian for adiabatic quantum computation"
- QN seminar - Natalia Ares: "Efficiently measuring and tuning quantum devices using machine learning"
- Cosmology seminar - Vladimir Lukovic (Università di Roma ): TBA
- String Theory seminar: Monica Guica (IPhT Saclay): TBA
- Cosmology seminar - Alexander Vikman (CEICO): "Superluminality and UV-Completion"
- van Leeuwenhoek Lecture - Jan-Willem Veening (Lausanne): "Origins of antibiotic resistance"
- D-ITP Quantum&Topological meeting.
- Technological Biophysics Lecture - Anja van de Stolpe (Philips): "Medical research at Philips – Insights into Experimental Oncology Research and Working at Philips in general"
- Joan van der Waals Colloquium - Lydéric Bocquet (CNRS PSL university): "Water and ionic transport at (sub-)nanoscales: puzzles and application"
- Cosmoslogy seminar - Vladimir Lukovic (Università di Roma): TBA
- Lorentz Seminar - Alexander Monin (EPFL, Lausanne): "Goldstone Bosons and Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking"
- ChemE FacultyColloquium - Antoni Forner-Cuenca: "Engineering Porous Materials for Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage"
- Technological Biophysics Lecture - Jan Weber (Boston scientific): "Biophysics in Stem Cell Therapy and Implant Applications"
- Technological Biophysics Lecture - Laurent Holtzer (Philips): "Determining Phenotypes of Cancer by novel Computational Tools"
- ChemE Colloquium - Tomasz Piskorz (ChemE-ASM): "Modeling of supramolecular fiber formation: nucleation, elongation, secondary nucleation and bundling"
- Cosmology seminar - Giulia Cusin (University of Oxford): "Astrophysical background of gravitational waves: from cosmology to a new era of precision astrophysics"
- String theory seminar - Benjamin Withers (University of Geneva): TBA
- LCN2 Seminar - Janusz Meylahn : "The two-community noisy Kuramoto model"
- Technological Biophysics Lecture - Kuan Yan (OCELLO): "Image analysis infrastructure to evaluate drug responses in in vitro assays"
- Van Leeuwenhoek lecture on BioScience - Richard Smith: "Towards an integrated framework for computational MorphoDynamX"
- Software theory seminar - Yang Wang: "Five-Qubit Code in a NV Center"
- BN seminar - Seppe Kuehn (Univ. Illinois Urbana Champagne): " “Dynamics and function in closed microbial communities”
- BN seminar - Shalev Itzkovitz (Weizmann Institute of Science): "Spatial transcriptomics of mammalian tissues"
- Mini-Symposium - Roman Jerala (National institute of chemistry ): "Designable modularity for protein origami nanostructures and cellular circuits"
- Mini-Symposium - Filipe Natalio (Weizmann Institute): "Towards material farming: where plant biology meets material sciences"
- BN seminar - Markus Linder (Aalto University): "Phase separations as a self-assembly mechanism in protein materials"
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - Ruth Durrer (University of Geneva): "Testing General Relativity with Cosmological Observations"
- Joan van der Waals Colloquium - Jascha Repp (univ. of Regensburg): "Accessing non-equilibrium states at the atomic scale"
- BN seminar - Carl Goodrich (Harvard University): “Disordered systems with complex bonds: from basic principles to biomimetic functionality”
- LCN2 Seminar - Nicos Starreveld: "Dynamic random graph model for polymerisation in a confined environment"
- Fabrizio Renzi (University of Rome): "Evolution and signature of cosmological magnetic fields"
- String Theory seminar - Dmitry Bagrets (Koeln): TBA
- String theory seminar - David Rodriguez Fernandez (Wuerzburg University): TBA
- Lorentz seminar - Jens Bardarson (KTH Stockholm)- "Mixed axial-torsional anomaly in Weyl semimetals"
- Cosmology Seminar: Alkistis Pourtsidou (Queen Mary University of London): TBD
- Technological Biophysics – Lectures: Ruud Verrijk (Dr. Reddy's): "High quality and affordable medical treatments"
- Technological Biophysics – Lectures - Abdoel El Ghabbzouri (LUMC and former BIOMIMIQ): "Human Tissue Equivalents - and what to expect when you fund a new company!"
- Technological Biophysics lectures - Henriette Lanz: "Organs on Chip"
- Technological Biophysics lecture - Jeroen van Smeden: "Drug Development"
- Qutech seminar - Jukka Pekola: "Quantum heat transport in superconducting circuits"
- QN seminar - Jens Bardarson f(KTH Stockholm): "Axial anomalies in Weyl semimetals"
- QuTech seminar - Elke Scheer (University of Konstanz): "Probing Odd-Triplet Contributions to the Proximity Effect by Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy"
- Lorentz seminar - Oleg Ruchayskiy (University of Copenhagen): "Chiral electrodynamics: from the early Universe to laboratories"
- String theory seminar - Eric Mefford (Polytechnique): " Surprises in holographic quantum field theories with a compact direction"
- Bn seminar - Ethan Garner: "Using optical assays of enzyme activity to understand how bacteria control their shape and rate of growth"
- Cosmology Seminar - Chunshan Lin (Warsaw University): “A class of minimally modified gravity theories”
- String theory seminar - Dmitry Bagrets (Koeln): " The Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model and large conformal Goldstone fluctuations"
- Van Leeuwenhoek Lecture - Valerian Dolja (Oregon State University): "Myosin motors drive cytoplasmic streaming, cell growth and plant development"
- Qn seminar - Xiaoqian Chen: "Charge Density Wave Memory in a Cuprate Superconductor La2-xBaxCuO4"
- QN seminar - Maiken Mikkelsen: "New quantum materials: Sculpting electromagnetic fields on the atomic scale"
- QuTech Colloquium - Jelena Vuckovic (Stanford University): "Optimized quantum photonics"
- Lorentz seminar - Morten Kjaergaard-Munk: " Fidelity and visibility loss in Majorana qubits by entanglement with environmental modes"
- Qutech Seminar - Siddharta Das: "Extendibility limits the performance of quantum processors"
- BN seminar - Sheref Mansy (University of Trento): TBA
- BN seminar - Tony Hyman (Max Planck Institute): " The roles of phase separation in organization of cellular biochemistry"
- QN seminar - Morten Kjærgaard Munk (Niels Bohr Institute Copenhagen): : "Fidelity and visibility loss in Majorana qubits by entanglement"
- LCN2 Seminar -Jeroen Bruggeman (University of Amsterdam): "Cooperation for Public Goods Driven by Noise"
- String theory seminar - Eva Llabres (CPhT Saclay): TBA
- String Theory seminar - Gert Aarts: "Hadrons under extreme conditions"
- QN seminar - Mitali Banerjaa (Columbia University): "Quantization of heat flow in the fractional quantum Hall regime "
- Van Leeuwenhoek Lecture on BioScience - Pamela Yeh (UCLA, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology): " How interactions among multiple stressors affect the ecological and evolutionary trajectories of populations"
- String theory seminar -Manuel Vielma (university of Geneva): " Eigenstate thermalization in the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model"
- Lorentz seminar - Dima Oriekhov (Kiev): "Electronic states of pseudospin-1 fermions in lattice ribbons in a magnetic field"
- Lorentz seminar - Omrie Ovdat (Technion): "Vacancies in Graphene : Dirac Physics and Fractional Vacuum Charges"
- Colloquium Ehrenfesti - Paul Steinhardt (Princeton University): "The second kind of impossible"
- QN colloquium - Marileen Dogterom: TBA
- Joan van der Waals Colloquium - Gilad Haran (Weizmann institute of science): "How fast are functional motions of protein machines? A single-molecule perspective"
- Software theory seminar -Filip Rozpedek: " Optimising practical entanglement distillation"
- ImPhys Seminar - Lev Vaidman ( Tel Aviv University, ): "The many - worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics"
- Cosmology seminar - Vicente Atal (University of Barcelona): "Primordial Black Holes during Inflation and the Non-Gaussian Regime"
- Theory seminar - Dima Oriekhov (Kiev): "Electronic states of pseudospin-1 fermions in lattice ribbons in a magnetic field"
- BN seminar - Allyson Sgro (Boston University): TBA
- BN seminar - André Esteves-Torres ( Sorbonne University and CNRS):
- Lorentz Chair lecture course - Seth Lloyd (MIT): "Quantum algorithms"
- Lorentz Chair lecture course - Seth Lloyd (MIT): "Building quantum computers"
- Lorentz Chair lecture course - Seth Lloyd (MIT): "The future of quantum computing"
- Cosmology seminar - Gianmassimo Tasinato (Swansea University): TBD
- Cosmology seminar - Stefano Anselmi (Observatoire de Paris and IAP): "What use are the Baryon Acoustic Oscillations? Why the Linear Point standard ruler?"
- Lorentz seminar - Vincent Mourik (Sidney): "Coherent electrical control of a single high spin nucleus in silicon"
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - Seth Lloyd (MIT): " Quantum computing: past, present, and future "
- Quo Vadis Summer Edition
- van Leeuwenhoek Lecture on BioScience - Nick Lane (London University College): "Energy and matter at the origin of life"
- Software theory seminar - Lingling Lao: "Fault-tolerant quantum error correction on NISQ devices: flag and bridge qubits"
- Lorentz seminar - Maxim Breitkreiz (Berlin): "Large contribution of Fermi arcs to the conductivity of Weyl metals"
- Software theory seminar - Arjan Cornelissen: TBA
- Qutech Quantumlab
- QuTech talk - Seth Lloyd (MIT): "Loading classical data into quantum computers"
- BN seminar - Christoph Spahn: "Microbiology meets Nanoscopy - Studying E. coli chromosome organization and the effect of antimicrobial compounds using super-resolution microscopy"
- Software theory seminar - Aritra Sarkar: "Implementing VHQCAs based optimization for accelerating genomics"
- QuTech talk - Jedrzej Kaniewski:"Incompatibility robustness of quantum measurements: a unified framework"
- QuTech talk - Robert Bogdan Staszewski (University College Dublin): " Quantum Computer on a Chip"
- Bn seminar - Peter Peters (Maastricht University): TBA
- Cosmology Seminar - Simon Dario Riquelme Munoz: "A Tip for Landscape Riders: Multi-Field Inflation Can Fulfill the Swampland Distance Conjecture"
- Cosmology Seminar - Antonella Garzilli (Niels Bohr Institute): TBD
- Cosmology Seminar - Chiara Moretti (Trieste Observatory): TBD
- QN colloquium - Jeremy Levy (University of California): "Pascal conductance series in ballistic one-dimensional LaAlO3/SrTiO3 channels"
- BN seminar - Stephen Bell (Howard Hughes Medical Institute): TBA
- BN talk - Adam Hall: "Solid-state nanopore analysis of molecular bioindicators"
- BN seminar - Hugo Snippert (University Medical Center Utrecht & Oncode Institute): "Real-time quantification of cellular drug response in patient-derived tumor organoids reveals heterogeneity in space and time"
- Van Leeuwenhoek Lecture - Rob Phillips (Caltech, Biophysics and Biology): "Finding Needles in Genomic Haystacks"
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - Erwin Frey (Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich): "Emergence and Self-Organization in Biological Systems"
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - François Graner (Paris Diderot University): "A maggot becomes a fly"
- QuTech Colloquium - Jay Gambetta (IBM): TBA
- QuTech Colloquium - Jens Eisert (Freie Universität Berlin): "Towards closing the loopholes of showing a quantum advantage"
- QN Colloquium - Chennupati Jagadish (Australian National University): "Semiconductor Nanowires for Optoelectronics Applications"
- BN seminar - Iddo Heller (VU University Amsterdam): TBA
- BN seminar - Ariane Briegel (Leiden University): TBA
- BN seminar - Friedrich Simmel (Technical University of Munich): TBA
- BN seminar - Tzviya Zeev-Ben-Mordehai (Utrecht University): TBA
- BN seminar - Sarah Köster (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen): TBA
- LCN2 Seminar - Mark Alber (University of California Riverside ): 'Multi-scale models of fibrin networks'
- QuTech talk - Mikhail Titov (Radboud University Nijmegen): "Anisotropy induced by spin-orbit interactions: new insights to chiral magnetism and magnetization dynamics"
- QuTech talk - Eugene Demler (Harvard University): " Many-body dynamics in pump and probe experiments: From light amplification to terahertz STM"
- Kavli Colloquium - Harold Y. Hwang: "Soft Chemistry Approaches to Two-Dimensional Oxide Quantum Materials"
- Cosmology seminar - Djuna Croon (Triumf): Gravitational Waves: a new window onto the Early Universe""
- Cosmology seminar - Matteo Biagetti (University of Amsterdam): "Primordial Features in the BAO spectrum"
- LCN2 Seminar - David Camacho (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain): "Detection of Dynamic Communities in Social Networks through the use of Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms"
- QN Colloquium - Ingmar Swart (Universiteit Utrecht): "Electronic quantum materials simulated with artificial model lattices"
- Cybersecurity and privacy talks 2019
- Lorentz seminar - Fabian Hassler (Aachen): "Statistics of radiation due to non-degenerate Josephson parametric down conversion"
- Cosmology Seminar - Giovanni Tambalo (SISSA): "Dark Energy Instabilities induced by Gravitational Waves"
- Bn seminar - Steve Bell (MIT): “Single-molecule Studies of Eukaryotic DNA Replication Initiation”
- Van Leeuwenhoek Lecture on BioScience - Haico van Attikum (LUMC): "DNA repair in chromatin: the cancer connection"
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - Jonathan Leach (Heriot-Watt University): "Imaging at the speed of light"
- BN seminar - Thomas Miller (The Francis Crick Institute): "Will high-resolution time-resolved cryoEM experiments put those of us performing single-molecule fluorescence studies out of business?"
- BN seminar - Manos Mavrakis (Institut Fresnel): "genetically-encoded fluorescence-based reporters for measuring actin filament organization in living cells and tissues"
- BN seminar - Serge Mostowy (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine): "Use of the cytoskeleton to control Shigella infection"
- QN seminar - Yonatan Sivan: "Ultrafast diffusion of heat in metals – theory and measurements"
- Cosmology seminar - Rafael Bravo (Universidad de Chile): TBA
- String theory seminar - Gabor Sarosi (CERN): "Chaos in the butterfly cone"
- Holography@D-ITP meeting
- Theoretical Cosmology meeting
- Lorentz theory seminar - Aron Beekman:"Generalized Josephson effects"
- QuTeck talk - Marco Bernardi: "Electron Dynamics in Materials from First Principles'
- QN seminar - Michael B. Johnston (University of Oxford): "Developing new Terahertz Frequency Devices and Perovskite Solar Cells via Terahertz Spectroscopy"
- Cosmology seminar - Kit Gallagher (Queen Mary University of London): "Multi-Scale Perturbation Theory for Cosmologies with Nonlinear Structure"
- QN seminar - Eliska Greplova (ETH): "Topological codes revisited: Hamiltonian learning and topological phase transitions"
- van Leeuwenhoek Lecture on BioScience - Uwe Grether (Roche Innovation Center, Basel): "Cannabinoid receptor 2 agonists on their way to clinics – How industrial drug discovery and academic research can cross-fertilize each other"
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - Jo van den Brand (Nikhef/Virgo): "Gravitational waves: Physics at the Extreme"
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - Nikta Fakhi (Massachusetts Institute of Technology): "Thermodynamics of biological active matter"
- BN seminar - Aleksei Aksimentiev (University of Illinois): TBA
- QuTech seminar - László Oroszlány (Eötvös University, Budapest): "Competition of trivial and topological phases in graphene-based hybrid systems"
- QuTech talk - Jelmer Renema (University of Twente): "Boson sampling with losses is classically simulable"
- QuTech Colloquium -Oliver Dial (IBM): "Metrics and Performance of Superconducting Quantum Devices"
- Lorentz seminar - Henning Schomerus (Lancaster): "Random-Matrix perspective on many-body localization"
- String theory seminar - Nico Wintergerst (Niels Bohr Institute): "Black holes from free fields: On thermalization in singlet models"
- Cosmology seminar - Marko Simonovic (CERN): " Cosmological Parameters from the BOSS Galaxy Power Spectrum"
- LCN2 seminar - Michel Mandjes (University of Amsterdam): “A Diffusion-Based Analysis of a Road Traffic Network"
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - J.C. Séamus Davis (University of Oxford): “Discovery and Exploration of the Cuprate"
- Joan van der Waals colloquium -Peng Chen (Cornell University):“Single-molecule chemistry: nanocatalysts and bacterial efflux”
- BN seminar - Timothy Elston (University of North Carolina): TBA
- BN seminar - Ilya Finkelstein (University of Texas): TBA
- Cosmology seminar - Fabio Moretti (Sapienza, Universita' di Roma): TBA
- Cosmology Seminar - Kaloian Lozanov (MPI garching): TBA
- QN Colloquium - Andrei Bernevig (Princeton University): " Topological Quantum Chemistry and The Topological Periodic Table of Materials"
- Colloquium Ehrenfesti - Lorentz Professor Gregory Dvali (NYU and LMU Munich): "Universality of Laws of Information and Unitarity"
- e-Refinery Lunch lecture - Arvind Gangoli Rao: " A Possible Role for Cryogenic Fuels in Civil Aviation"
- Van Leeuwenhoek Lecture on BioScience -Jonathan Bard (Oxford, Department of Physiology, Anatomy & Genetics): "Systems developmental biology, mutation and the unsolved problem of evolution"
- BN seminar - Meindert Lamers (Leiden University Medical Center): TBA
- BN seminar - Knut Drescher (Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology): TBA
- BN seminar - Stefan Munster (Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems): TBA
- BN seminar - Savvas Savvides (Ghent University, Dept. Biochemistry & Microbiology): TBA
- First lecture Lorentz Professor - Gregory Dvali (NYU and LMU Munich): "Axion, anomalies and gravity"
- ONLINE: Second lecture Lorentz Professor - Gregory Dvali (NYU and LMU Munich): "The Hierarchy Problem and Naturalness"
- ONLINE: Third lecture Lorentz Professor - Gregory Dvali (NYU and LMU Munich): "The Cost of Altering Gravity?"
- Lorentz seminar - Justin Read (UK):Dark matter heats up in dwarf galaxies""
- QuTech lecture - Dorian Oser (PhD student Paris-Saclay University): TBA
- Kavli colloquium - Michel Devoret ( Yale university):TBA
- LCN2 Seminar - Klaus Linkenkaer-Hansen: "From 'theory of critical brain dynamics’ to biomarkers of excitation/inhibition balance"
- Cosmology seminar - Marco Raveri (The University of Pennsylvania): "Is the standard cosmological model in crisis?"
- Lorentz Seminar - Sergei Mukhin (Moscow): "Spontaneous symmetry breaking in finite extended Dicke model"
- String Theory seminar - Mihailo Cubrovic (university of Belgrade): "Wormholes and Entropy"
- Kavli colloquium - Taekjip Ha (Johns Hopkins University): "CRISPR and DNA repair"
- van Leeuwenhoek Lecture on BioScience - Alexander Kros (LIC): "Chemical approaches to control the in vivo behavior of nano medicines"
- QN Colloquium - Fulvio Parmigiani, (Univ. of Trieste): "Ultrafast angel-resolved photoemission spectroscopy of quantum materials"
- String Theory seminar - Mihailo Cubrovic (university of Belgrade): "Wormholes and Entropy"
- Lorentz Center workshop 'Fundamental Physics at the Crossroads'
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - Eva Y. Andrei (Rutgers university, New Jersey USA): "The magic of atomically thin crystals"
- LCN2 Seminar - Qi Zhang: "Weak and strong ensemble nonequivalence in systems with local constraints"
- This Week's Discoveries - Luca Giomi: "Hydrodynamics of collective cell migration: the good, the bad and the chiral"
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - Philipp Kukura (university of Oxford): "Mass photometry: weighing molecules with light"
- onlineLorentz seminar - Johannes Bausch (Cambridge): "Complexity Theory, Quantum Algorithms and Many-Body Systems"
- ONLINE: Lorentz Seminar - Johannes Bausch (Cambridge): "Complexity Theory, Quantum Algorithms and Many-Body Systems"
- Online Cosmology seminar -Santiago Casas (CosmoStat): "Measuring Dark Energy with non-linear observables in the Euclid era"
- Online Lorentz seminar - Lara Ulcakar (Jozef Stefan Institute): "Kibble-Zurek behavior in Chern insulators"
- FTQC talks - Floor van Riggelen: "2x2 quantum dot array in Germanium" and Medina Bandic: "Design Space Exploration Methodologies for Efficient Mapping of Quantum Circuits"
- This Week's Discoveries - Ann Meeussen (LION): "The peculiar effect of a small error"
- Virtual Long Range Colloquium - Titus Neupert (University of Zürich): "Exceptional Topological Insulators"
- Inaugural Address Prof.dr. G.H. Koenderink (TNW), only for invitees: Een langdradig verhaal over leven
- LCN2 seminar - Roeland Merks: “Mathematical Modeling of Embryonic Development: The Intra- and Extracellular Networks that Coordinate Collective Cell Behavior"
- Physical Review Journal Club: Two-Qubit Spectroscopy of Spatiotemporally Correlated Quantum Noise in Superconducting Qubits"
- Physical Review Journal Club: "Benchmarking a High-Fidelity Mixed-Species Entangling Gate"
- Cosmology Seminar - William Giare' (Sapienza, University of Rome): " Testing deviations from the standard inflationary predictions with Primordial Gravitational Waves"
- VSF Long Range Colloquium - Pedram Roushan (Google AI Quantum): "Tuning quantum information scrambling in two-dimensional systems"
- KNAW biophysics talks
- VSF Long Range Colloquium - Brian Skinner (Ohio State University: "Measurement-induced Phase Transitions in the Dynamics of Quantum Entanglement"
- BN Virtual Seminar - Yves Brun (university of Montreal): " “The role of dynamic pili in bacterial adhesion”
- BN Virtual Seminar - Jan-Willem Veening: "Fighting the spread of antibiotic resistance with bacterial competence inhibitors”
- BN Virtual Seminar - KC Huang (Stanford university): "Physics of bacterial growth and evolution”
- BN Virtual Seminar - Mathilde Galli (Hubrecht Institute): “Understanding the drivers and consequences of somatic polyploidy”
- JvdW 2020, The Introspection! Alessandra Silvestri: TBA
- Life science webinar - "Smart Protein Analysis
- Life science webinar - "Be confident with antibodies"
- Life science webinar - Western Blotting "tips and tricks"
- Cosmology Seminar - Subodh Patil: “Bridging the gap: spectral distortions as a probe of gravitational waves and physics beyond the Standard Model"
- LOTN National seminar
- VSF Long Range Colloquium - Natalia Ares (Oxford University): "Measuring and tuning quantum devices faster than human experts"
- Speakers'corner - Antonio Manesco (University of São Paulo): " Correlations in the elastic Landau level of spontaneously buckled graphene"
- Speakers'corner - Hamed Vakili (University of Virginia): "Using skyrmionic racetracks for unconventional computing"
- Speakers'corner - Joshuah T. Heath (Boston College): "Landau Quasiparticles in Weak Power-Law Liquids "
- Speakers'corner - Valla Fatemi (Yale University): "Topological Band Structures in the Offset-Parameter-Dependence of Small Josephson Circuits"
- Speakers'corner - André Melo (Kavli Institute): "Conductance asymmetries in mesoscopic superconducting devices due to finite bias"
- Speakers'corner - Julien Barrier (University of Manchester): "Long-range ballistic transport of Brown-Zak fermions in graphene superlattices"
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - Martin van Hecke: "Mechanical Pathways, Hysterons and Metamaterials
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - Sense-Jan van der Molen: "Probing interlayer interaction in van der Waals materials”
- BN webinar - Charles Cockell (University of Edinburgh): "Biomining and biosignatures: exploring microbial interactions with rocks on the international space station" .
- VSF Long Range Colloquium - Jennifer Cano (Stony Brook University): "Higher magic angles in twisted bilayer graphene and topological twistronics"
- NPS17 - Webinar: "Circularity"
- NPS17 Webinar: "Water"
- NPS17 - Webinar: Health, food and pharma"
- Cosmology seminar - Siyi Zhou (Stockholm University): " Gravitational Wave from First Order Phase Transition during Inflation"
- LCN2 seminar - Bastian Prasse (TU Delft): "Prediction of epidemics on networks"
- Speakers'corner - Chun-Xiao Liu (TU Delft): "Electronic properties of InAs/EuS/Al hybrid nanowires"
- BN seminar -Marvin Tanenbaum: "Using single-molecule microscopy to study gene expression dynamics in living cells”
- QN seminar - Alberto de la Torre Duran (Brown University): " Towards non-thermal control of quantum materials"
- QN seminar - Koji Usami: "Can we really magnetize a ray of light?"
- Speaker's corner - Bo Peng (University of Cambridge): "Topological phonons in oxide perovskites controlled by light"
- Speakers'corner - Dalla Torre Emanuele (Bar-Ilan University): "Statistical Floquet prethermalization from kicked rotors to the Bose-Hubbard model"
- Speaker's corner - Vasilii Vadimov (QCD Labs, Aalto university): " Many-body Majorana-like zero modes without gauge symmetry"
- Speaker's corner - Antonio Manesco (University of São Paulo): " Strain-engineering the topological type-II Dirac semimetal NiTe2"
- VSF Long Range Colloquium - Deji Akinwande (University of Texas): "2D materials: From atoms to applications"
- Speaker's corner - Chun-Xiao Liu (TU Delft): "Electronic properties of InAs/EuS/Al hybrid nanowires"
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - Carlo Beenakker: "Chiral magnetic effect in a Weyl superconductor"
- LCN2 Seminar - Eiko Fried: " "Network psychometrics: using network models to understand psychological constructs like personality, cognition, and mental illness"
- Joan van der Waals Colloquium - Michel Orrit: "Optical Microspectroscopy of single Molecules and Nanoparticles"
- QN Colloquium - Thomas Jennewein (Instit. for Quantum Computing, Univ. of Waterloo): "Advancing satellite based quantum communication channels"
- VSF Speakers' corner - Abhishek Kumar (Indiana University Bloomington): "Floquet Gauge Pump"
- VSF Long Range Colloquium - Leonid Levitov (MIT): "Electrons Bloch-waltzing in Moire superlattices"
- VSF Long Range Colloquium - Andrea Young: "Orbital magnetism in graphene heterostructures"
- VSF Long Range Colloquium - Xie Chen: "Fracton and Chern-Simons Theory"
- VSF Speakers' corner - Kostas Vilkelis (Qutech, TU Delft): "Bloch-Lorentz magnetoresistance oscillations in delafossites"
- VSF Speakers' corner - Helene Spring: "Amorphous topological phases protected by continuous rotation symmetry"
- VSF Speakers' corner - Elizabeth Dresselhaus: "Numerical evidence for marginal scaling at the integer quantum Hall transition"
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - Jan Zaanen (Lorentz Institute): "Planckian Dissipation"
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - Daniela Kraft (LION): "Flexible colloidal structures"
- VSF Speakers' corner - Michał Pacholski: "Deconfinement of Majorana vortex modes produces a superconducting Landau level"
- VSF Speakers'corner - Yevheniia Cheipesh: " Quantum tunneling dynamics in complex SYK model quenched-coupled to a cool-bath"
- Lecture: biography of Paul Ehrenfest and Tatiana Afanassjewa
- Cosmology seminar - Lia Medeiros (IAS, Princeton): "Gravitational Test Beyond the First Post-Newtonian Order with the EHT"
- VSF Speakers'corner - Pramod Kumar (Aalto University): " Flat band induced non-Fermi liquid behavior of multicomponent fermions"
- JvdW colloquium - Maarten de Jong (Nikhef/Leiden University): "KM3NeT: The next generation neutrino telescope"
- VSF Speakers' corner - Monika Aidelsburger (Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich): "Ultracold atoms in optical lattices out-of-equilibrium"
- DRSTP -National Seminiar
- BN Seminar - Nicolas Fawzi: “Visualizing RNA-binding protein phase separation with atomic resolution”
- JvdW colloquium - Luca Giomi: "Hydrodynamics of collective cell migration: the good, the bad and the chiral"
- BN seminar - Kristina Ganzinger: “Exploring membrane-bound signalling processes by in vitro reconstitution and single-molecule microscopy”
- Cosmology seminar - Andreas Mantziris (Imperial College London): "Cosmological implications of electroweak vacuum instability: constraints on the Higgs curvature coupling from inflation"
- VSF Long Range Colloquium - Andrew Mackenzie: " Benefits of good old-fashioned crystalline perfection - new physics in ultra pure delafossite metals"
- De Sitter Journal Club - Alexey Boyarsky: 'Introduction to "Strong gravitaional lensing and dark matter
- De Sitter Journal Club - James Nightingale (Durham University): "dark matter with galaxy-scale strong lensing"
- VSF Speakers'corner - Valentin Crepel (MIT): "Superconductivity mediated by a third-electron: Spin-triplet superconductivity from excitonic effect in doped band insulators"
- Cosmology Seminar - Bin Hu (Beijing Normal University): "GW lensing magnification for stellar binary black hole"
- VSF Long Range Colloquium - Andreas Wallraff (ETH Zurich): "Microwave Networks for Solid State Quantum Information Processors"
- VSF Long Range Colloquium - Michael Sentef (Max Planck Institute): "Cavity quantum materials"
- Web lectures & Discussion Panel - Quantum Deonstrator Platforms
- BN seminar - Jerome Bonnet: "TBA"
- VSF Speakers'Corner - Dominic Else (MIT): "Quantum many-body topology of quasicrystals"
- KNAW Biophysics talks
- IMPHYS COLLOQUIUM - Turgut Durduran (ICFO): "Peeking deep (>1 cm) inside the body with diffuse light: fundamentals, instrumentation and a clinical journey"
- Speakers' corner - Mazhar Ali (Max Planck Institute): "Realization of the field-free Josephson diode"
- Speakers'corner - André Melo (Kavli Institute of Nanoscience): "Multiplet supercurrent in Josephson tunneling circuits"
- Speakers'corner - Antonio Manesco (University of São Paulo): "Correlation-induced valley topology in buckled graphene superlattices"
- Cosmology Seminar - Anupam Mazumdar: "Colliding Schrödinger's kittens for testing Quantum Gravity"
- VSF Long Range Colloquium - Jonathan Simon (University of Chicago): "When Photons Self-Organize: Making Matter from Light"
- VSF Long Range Colloquium - Giuseppe Carleo (EPFL Lausanne): "Many-body wave functions in the era of machine learning and quantum computing"
- LCN2 Seminar: "The broad edge of synchronization in brain networks"
- EWEG2D'21 online lecture - Felix Baumberger (University of Geneva): "The electronic structure of few-layer black phosphorus"
- VSF Speakers'corner - Noah F. Q. Yuan (Shenzhen JL Computational Science and Applied Research Institute): "Supercurrent diode effect and finite momentum superconductivity"
- VSF Long Range Colloquium - Sebastian Huber (ETH Zurich): "Topological Mechanics"
- VSF Long Range Colloquium - Andrea Caviglia: "Ultrafast control of magnetic interactions via light-driven phonons"
- Tatiana Afanassjewa talk - Alessandra Silvestri about the Evolution of the Universe
- LCN2 Seminar - Pierfrancesco Dionigi: "Spectral signature of breaking of ensemble equivalence for random network models"
- VSF Speakers' corner - Jonathan Curtis (Harvard University): "Cavity magnon-polaritons in cuprate parent compounds"
- QuTech360 seminar - Giordano Scappucci: " The germanium quantum information route"
- Cosmology Seminar - Natalie Hogg (IFT Madrid): : "The distance duality relation: violations, constraints and biases"
- VSF Long Range Colloquium - Andrea Caviglia (TU Delft): "Ultrafast control of magnetic interactions via light-driven phonons"
- VSF Speakers'corner - Yantao Li (Indiana University): "Dirac Magic and Lifshitz Transitions in AA-Stacked Twisted Multilayer Graphene"
- LCN2 Seminar - Maarten Markering (MI, Leiden University): "Breaking of ensemble equivalence for dense random graphs under a single constraint"
- VSF Long Range Colloquium - Cui-Zu Chang (Pennsylvania State University): "Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect in the Magnetic Topological Insulator Thin Films"
- VSF Long Range Colloquium - Atac Imamoglu (ETH Zurich): "Strongly correlated electrons in atomically thin semiconductors"
- Cosmology seminar -Will Barker (University of Cambridge): "Torsion-squared gravity, and its multiplier extensions"
- Lorentz Seminar - Fabian Hassler (Aachen): " Weak measurement protocols for Majorana bound state identification"
- Lorentz Seminar - Tom O'Brien (Google): "Quantum computation of molecular structure"
- Tatiana Afanassjewa talk - Martin van Hecke: "Extreme phenomena in soft materials"
- Tatiana Afanassjewa talk - Jan van Ruitenbeek about building at atomic scales
- QuTech360 seminar - Mohamed Abobeih: "Fault-tolerant operation of a logical qubit in a diamond quantum processor"
- Cosmology Seminar - Julián Rey: "Primordial black holes in an early matter-dominated era and stochastic inflation"
- VSF Speakers' Corner - Guanzhong Wang (TU Delft): "Non-local measurement of quasiparticle distribution in proximitized semiconductor nanowires using quantum dots"
- JvdW colloquium: Louise Jawerth: " Fiber growth, ultra-low surface tensions and glass-like aging: Protein condensates as novel materials"
- Speakers'Corner - Jean-Sébastien Caux (University of Amsterdam): "SciPost and the reform of scientific publishing"
- Speakers' corner - Guanzhong Wang: "Non-local measurement of quasiparticle distribution in proximitized semiconductor nanowires using quantum dots"
- VSF Long Range Colloquium - David Goldhaber-Gordon (Stanford University): "Can a solid-state quantum simulator help us understand materials?"
- Theoretical Cosmology meeting
- QMO seminar - Anastasiia Skurativska: " Fragile topological flat bands through adatom superlattice engineering on graphene"
- National seminar THEP
- VSF Focus workshop on Andreev reflection in quantum Hall systems
- Speakers'Corner - Bastien Lapierre (University of Zurich): "Topologically Localized Insulators"
- Speakers' corner - Antonio Manesco (TU Delft): "Mechanisms of Andreev reflection in quantum Hall graphene"
- Speakers' corner - Ding Zhang (Tsinghua University): "Ising superconductivity in few-layer stanene"
- Speakers' corner - Charles Kane (University of Pennsylvania): "Quantized Nonlinear Response in Ballistic Metals"
- LCN2 Seminar - Frank Pijpers (SBC/UvA): Networks, contagion spreading & reproduction numbers
- JvdW colloquium: Justin Ye (University of Groningen): "Field Effect Control of Quantum Phases in 2D Materials"
- VSF Long Range Colloquium - Corentin Coulais (University of Amsterdam): "The Non-Hermitian physics of odd Robotic Matter"
- Speakers' corner - Trithep Devakul (MIT): "Quantum anomalous Hall effect from inverted charge transfer gap: application to moire transition metal dichalcogenide bilayers"
- Speakers' corner - Ivan Kulesh (QuTech, Delft University of Technology): "Longitudinal resistance oscillations in InSbAs 2DEGs in a Quantum Hall regime"
- Cosmology Seminar - Flavio Bombacigno (Universidad de Valencia and IFIC): "Landau damping for gravitational waves"
- Speakers' corner - Nisarga Paul (Massachusetts Institute of Technology): "Giant proximity exchange and flat Chern band in 2D magnet-semiconductor heterostructures"
- JvdW colloquium: Richard J. Warburton (University of Basel): "A bright source of coherent single-photons
- Casimir office closed as of 20 December
- Speakers' corner -Jinglei Zhang (University of Waterloo): "SU(2) hadrons on a quantum computer"
- QuTech360 seminar - David Elkouss Coronas: "Theory tools for designing quantum networks"
- QuTech 360 seminar - Fabio Sebastiano: "TBA"
- Online talk - Nicolas Sangouard: "Device-independent quantum key distribution"
- BN Seminar - Chase Broedersz: "Learning the statistical folding of bacterial chromosomes”
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - Florian Schreck (university of Amsterdam): " Continuous Bose-Einstein condensation and superradiant clocks"
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - Markus Morgenstern (RWTH Aachen): "Magnetism meets topology: The gap of Mn-rich MnSb2Te4"
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - Katharina Franke (Freie Universität Berlin): "Artificially-constructed chains of magnetic adatoms on superconducting 2H-NbSe2"
- Joan van der Waals colloquium -Davide Bigoni (University of Trento) : "Hyperelasticity and beyond"
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - Anna Sanpera (Universitat Autònoma Barcelona): "Elizabeth Gardner and the storage capacity of quantum neural networks"
- Joan van der Waals colloquium -Frank-J. Meyer zu Heringdorf (Universität Duisburg-Essen): TBA
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - Christine Silberhorn (Paderborn University): TBA
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - Elie Raphaël (ESPCI ParisTech): Moving at the air-water interface
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - Philipp Kukura (University of Oxford): Weighing biomolecules with light
- Welcome event Kavli Artist in Residence: Andrija Pavlovic
- The QuTech Sparks Workshop 2022
- Reboot: Holography@D-ITP meeting
- Lecture Kavli Artist in Residence - Klaus Molmer: “Synesthesia with quanta and music”
- QuTech 360 seminar - Fabio Sebastiano: "Cryo-CMOS electrical interfaces for quantum processors"
- LCN2 Seminar - Leo Torres (Max Plank Institute): "Graph homotopy, non-backtracking matrix, and X-centrality"
- Theory seminar - Marc Serra Garcia: "Hypersmart mechanics: Functionalities, design strategies and algorithms"
- VSF Speakers'corner - Isidora Araya Day: "Topological defects in a double-mirror quadrupole insulator displace diverging charge"
- Van Leeuwenhoeklezing about quantum technology
- LCN2 Seminar - Maksym Kitsak (TU Delft): "Geometric Representations of Complementarity-Driven Networks"
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - Michiel van den Broeke (UU): "Big ice and sea level rise"
- QuTech360 seminar - Guanzhong Wang and Tom Dvir
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - Cristiane Morais Smith (UU): "Atom-by-atom engineering of novel states of matter"
- QuTech webinar MIT iQuHack – QuTech challenge
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - Clifford Burgess (Hamilton Canada): 'Thinking effectively about gravity'
- Apply now for Casimir Open Days 2022
- Speakers' Corner weekly - Bruna Mendonca (University of Sao Paulo: "Can Caroli-de Gennes-Matricon and Majorana vortex states be distinguished in the presence of impurities?"
- Speakers' Corner weekly - Bomin Zhang (University of Pittsburgh): "Superconducting diode effect in InSb nanowires Josephson junctions"
- Speakers' Corner weekly - Jozef Bucko (Institute for Computational Science, University of Zurich): "Automated reconstruction of bound states in bilayer graphene quantum dots"
- Speakers' Corner weekly - Stefan Ilić (Centro de Fisica de Materiales (CFM-MPC): "Theory of the supercurrent diode effect in Rashba superconductors with arbitrary disorder"
- QuTech360 seminar - Ryoichi Ishihara: "3D Integration Technology for Modular Quantum Computer"
- Leiden Observatory talk: "Galactic Centre Black Hole"
- Speakers' Corner weekly - Rubén Seoane Souto (Center for Quantum Devices, Copenhagen): "The Josephson diode effect in supercurrent interferometers"
- Lorentz Seminar - Suboth Patil: "TBA""
- Lorentz Seminar - Luca Giomi: "TBA"
- Lorentz Seminar - Carlo Beenakker: "TBA"
- Lorentz Seminar - Bart Ripperda (Joint Princeton/Flatiron Postdoctoral Fellow): "How do black holes shine?"
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - Clifford Burgess (Mc Master University): Thinking Effectively About Gravity"
- Les Houches Summer School: Frontiers of condensed matter - registration deadline
- Speakers' corner: André Melon - Greedy optimization of the geometry of Majorana Josephson junctions
- LCN2 Seminar - Subodh Patil: Phases of small worlds - a mean field approach
- Quest seminar: Juspreet Sandhu - Spin-glass theory, quantum inapproximability and convex optimization
- Van Marum colloquium: Thom Hersbach - Catalyzing Green Hydrogen: Tracking Iridium Oxide & Platinum Behavior During Catalysis
- Van Marum colloquium: Sheena Louisa - Monitoring the dynamics of the heterogeneous interface during electrocatalysis
- Van Marum colloquium: Prof. Germano Tremiliosi-Filho - Development of materials for hydrogen production via ethanol reform
- Van Marum colloquium: Prof. Philippe Vereecken - The role of surface inhibition in the deterministic electrochemical fabrication of 2D and 3D nanostructures
- Oort lecture: James Moran - Supermassive Black Holes and Where to Find Them
- Van Marum colloquium: Marco Schönig - Title TBA
- Van Marum colloquium: dr. Christian Reece - Developing new paradigms for applied catalytic surface science
- Van Marum colloquium: Timo Jacob - "Understanding Electrochemical Interfaces on the Atomic Scale"
- Inaugural lecture: Sense Jan van der Molen - Sjoelen met elektronen
- Lorentz seminar: Maarten de Jong - title TBA
- Lorentz seminar: Silke Henkes - title TBA
- Lorentz seminar: Alexey Boyarsky - title TBA
- BN forum: Christos Gogou - Toward resolving protein voltage-sensitivity using cryo-EM
- Speakers' Corner weekly - Yi Huang (University of Minnesota): "What is the relation between activation energy and band gap in a 2D insulator?"
- Cosmology Seminar - Gonzalo Palma: "Excited states from inflation"
- Joan van der Waals Colloquium - Eli Sloutskin (Bar-Ilan University): " Topology-controlled self-faceting and self-decoration of liquid droplets"
- QuTech 360 seminar - Francesco Borsoi: "Shared control of a 16 semiconductor quantum dot crossbar array"
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - Gilles Brassard: "Could Einstein have been right after all?"
- Holography@D-ITP meeting
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - Jelmer Renema: "Integrated photonic quantum information processing"
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - Eric Dufresne: "Putting the Squeeze on Phase Separation"
- Speakers' corner: Isidora Araya Day - Pfaffian invariant identifies magnetic obstructed atomic insulators
- Speakers' corner: Antonio Manesco - Spatial separation of spin currents in transition metal dichalcogenides
- Speakers' corner: Wojciech Brzezicki - Unprotected edge modes in quantum spin Hall insulator candidate materials
- Quantum Delta Lecture: Verena Schulze Greiving - "Learning by doing-a practical approach to integrate ethical and societal tools in quantum-innovation"
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - Jean François Joanny: 'Cell deformation and mechanics of epithelial tissues'
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - David Tong: 'Are we living in the matrix?'
- Lorentz seminar: Alessandra Silvestri - "Reconstructed Gravity and Cosmological Tensions"
- Lorentz seminar: Nov Ruth Durrer - title TBA
- BN seminar: Joshua Shaevitz - "The mechanism and function of branching microtubule nucleation"
- Delft Diversity & Inclusion week
- BN seminar: Sarah Keller - "Vacuole membranes of hungry yeast are tiny, living thermostats"
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - Claus Ropers: "Coupling electrons and light in electron microscopy"
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - Don C Lamb: "From Dancing Proteins to Maturing Viruses. Using Fluorescence to Illuminate the World Around Us"
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - Bart van Wees: Title TBA
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - Marc Serra Garcia: Nanomechanics as an emergent platform for information technologies
- Speakers' corner: Ivan Amelio - Polaron spectroscopy of a bilayer excitonic insulator
- NWO Physics - deadline abstract submission
- Van Marum colloquium: Dmitriy Borodin - "Making Kinetics at Surfaces a More Exact Science"
- Van Marum colloquium: Thomas Michely - Crystal growth far from equilibrium: beauty and puzzles of Pt(111)
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - Eugene Demler: 'Quantum simulators: from the Fermi Hubbard model to quantum assisted NMR inference'
- Symposium in honour of Gilles Brassard and Charles Bennett - winners of the Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics
- Speakers' corner: Xiaozhou Feng - Measurement-induced phase transitions on dynamical quantum trees
- Van Marum colloquium: Jakub Drnec - "Shedding Synchrotron Light on Catalyst Atomic Rearrangement and Strain Dynamics in Electrochemical Environment"
- Van Marum colloquium: Jan Rossmeisl - "Electrocatalysis at high entropy alloy surfaces"
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - Monica Morales Masis: "Development of New Optoelectronic Thin Film Materials for Low-Cost and Efficient Solar Cells"
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - Nynke Dekker: "Adventures in DNA replication using single-molecule biophysics"
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - Antonija Grubišić Čabo: "Deciphering the electronic structure of 2D materials in and out of equilibrium"
- BN seminar: Dolf Weijers - "Towards the design principles of cell polarity"
- QN seminar: Antonija Grubisic-Cabo - "2D materials: time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy characterisation and in-situ exfoliation"
- NWO Physics - deadline poster abstract submission
- Van Marum colloquium: Evgeny Pidko - Death and life of homogeneous carbonyl reduction catalysts: navigating condition space towards superior catalytic performance
- TUD graduate school: registration opens for DE courses Jan-Aug
- LION image award - submission deadline
- Award ceremony - LION image award
- BN seminar: David Maresca - "4D Sound Sheet Imaging of Genetically Encoded Acoustic Reporters"
- Casimir PhD travel grants - application deadline
- Speakers' corner: Aleksander Sanjuan Ciepielewski - "Transport signatures of Van Hove singularities in mesoscopic twisted bilayer graphene"
- Speakers' corner: Andriani Keliri - "Driven Andreev molecule"
- Speakers' corner: Martina Ondina Soldini - "Interacting topological quantum chemistry of Mott atomic limits"
- Van Marum colloquium: Rolf Schuster - "Beyond Cyclic Voltammetry: What can we learn by measuring the reaction entropy and volume of electrochemical reactions?"
- Van Marum colloquium: Jakub Drnec - "Shedding Synchrotron Light on Catalyst Atomic Rearrangement and Strain Dynamics in Electrochemical Environment"
- Memorial symposium: Claire Wyman
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - Ronny Thomale: title tba
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - Jan Klärs: "The thermalization, condensation and flickering of photons"
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - Gijsje Koenderink: title tba
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - Ana Belén Sainz: title tba
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - Beena Kalisky: Probing Quantum Materials using Scanning SQUID Microscopy
- Joan van der Waals colloquium - Armando Rastelli: Generation and use of highly entangled photons from semiconductor quantum dots
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - Markus Aspelmeyer: "How does a quantum object gravitate?"
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - Heinrich Jaeger: Acoustically Levitated Granular Matter
- BN seminar: David Dulin - "Assembly and elongation dynamics of the SARS-CoV-2 replication-transcription complex: a single-molecule perspective"
- BN seminar: Nikolina Šoštarić - Global translational analysis of human CD8+ T cells
- Speakers' corner: Rekha Kumari - Josephson-Current Signatures of Unpaired Floquet Majorana Bound States
- BN Seminar: Sonja Schmid - The timing of life at the nanoscale
- Speakers' corner: Michael B. Weissman - Erroneous Statistics in Physical Review Physics Education Research
- 3mE seminar: Jason Twamley - "Engineered Quantum Machines - mechanics and spin control"
- BN seminar: Jan Löwe - "Towards molecular understanding of FtsZ-based bacterial cell division"
- BN seminar: Joost Gribnau - "Development of a molecular time machine to map the history of enhancer and gene activity in development and stem cell differentiation"
- Van Marum colloquium: Patrick Rinke - "Active surface adsorbate structure and complex materials exploration with Bayesian optimization"
- Van Marum colloquium: Andrew Akbashev - "Complexity of Electrochemical and Electrocatalytic Reactions on Oxide Materials"
- CANCELLED: LCN2 seminar: Tamara Mtsentlintze - Algorithms for Network Visualization and beyond
- Casimir Summer School: abstract submission deadline
- Registration deadline: Casimir Summer School 2023
- Deadline: oral abstract submission NWO Biophysics 2023
- BN seminar: Anne-Florence Bitbol - Optimization and historical contingency in protein sequences
- BN seminar: Marko Kaksonen - title tba
- BN seminar: Cordelia Imig - title tba
- BN seminar: Greg Stephens - "Plenty of room at the top: integrative insights from the physics of animal behavior"
- Van Marum colloquium: Matthijs van Spronsen - title tba
- BN seminar: Jie Xiao - title tba
- BN seminar: Johan Elf - title tba
- BN seminar: Kerstin Göpfrich - title tba
- BN seminar: Ariane Briegel - title tba
- Casimir Science Day for PI's: registration deadline
- Colloquium Ehrenfestii - Subir Sachdev: Quantum statistical mechanics of charged black holes and strange metals
- Deadline nominations for NNV Minerva prize 2023
- BN seminar: Zaida Luthey-Schulten - "Simulating a Cell Cycle in 3D for a Living Minimal Cell"
- Casimir Summer School: poster abstract submission deadline
- Deadline abstract submission (talks): NWO Physics 2024
- Archive
- Guillermo Ballesteros - ''Dark energy clustering and non-linear perturbations''
- Femius Koenderink - "Subwavelength plasmonic and magnetic resonators to control photons and emitters"
- Omar El Gawhary - "Subwavelength imaging with evanescent waves in a dielectric slab"
- Oskar Vafek - "Electronic multicriticality in bilayer graphene"
- Bachelor presentations
- Irina Komen - "Quantum optics on DNA nanotubes"
- Aura Nugrowati - "Non-integer orbital angular momentum"
- Francesco Ricci - "Instability of higher-order optical vortices analyzed with multi-pinhole interferometer"
- Juan Jottar - TBA
- Kostya Novoselov “Graphene: Materials in Flatland”
- Paul Ruijgrok - "Manipulating and studying single gold nanoparticles with light"
- Neal Evans - "The Formation of Planetary Systems: New Constraints from Observations"
- Frank den Hollander - "Gibbs-non-Gibbs transitions"
- Prof. Kouwenhoven explains discovery Majorana particle
- Olle Erriksson - "Magnetic materials for applications, a theoretical report"
- Christopf Keller - "Fun with Polarized Light"
- Olle Erriksson -Magnetic materials for applications, a theoretical report
- Rami Barends - "Towards scalable, low-loss superconducting qubits"
- E. Mishchenko - "Intersubband edge singularity in metallic carbon nanotubes"
- N. Deo - "Quantum transport in DNA-decorated Carbon Natotubes and Graphene Sensors"
- Reinier Heeres - "Something new from the cleanroom"
- Florian Schiestl - "Pollinator driven evolution in plants"
- Jan-Willem Beenakker - "Unravelling the collagen network of the arterial wall"
- Jan Wijbrans - "Anatomy of a volcano, or how Etna volcano in Sicily was built in 500,000 years"
- Koenraad Schalm - "Can you see quantum gravity?"
- Alex Hogele - "Cryogenic spectroscopy of suspended carbon nanotubes"
- Andy O'Bannon - "A Holographic Chiral Magnetic Effect
- Johanna Erdmenger - "Holographic p-wave superconductors"
- R. Thomale - Interaction effects in topological band structures"
- Tjerk.H. Oosterkamp - "De blinde microscoop: van MRI op de nanoschaal tot academische vorming"
- Evert van Nieuwenburg - "Metal-topological-insulator transitions"
- Richard van Rijn - "'An X-Ray View of Palladium Model Catalysts'"
- Willy Peijnenburg - "Dose response modelling of the ecotoxicity of nanoparticles: an approach to assess appropriate dose metrics"
- Steffen Mueller - "Towards a Holographic Realization of Homes' Law"
- Ingo Homrighausen - " Fluctuation effects in chemical reactions with anomalous diffusion"
- Spinoza on Horseback with physicist Leo Kouwenhoven
- Wilfred van der Wiel - "Hybrid Inorganic-Organic Spin Electronics"
- Guido Stam - "Quadrant detector response of non-integer orbital angular momentum beams" (bachelor project)
- Angela Belcher - "From Nature and back again...Giving new life to materials for energy, the environment and medicine"
- Carlos Hoyos - "A-theorem, dilaton and holographic RG flows"
- Subir Sachdev - "The onset of antiferromagnetism in metals: from the cuprate superconductors to the heavy fermion compounds"
- Jeremy Levy - "Oxide Nanoelectronics On Demand"
- Peter Lodahl - "Quantum Nanophotonics"
- Rienk Eelkema - "Dynamic Nanoscale Molecular Architectures"
- Ronald Hanson - “Quantum entanglement of spins in diamond: generation, detection and applications”
- Subir Sachdev - "The onset of antiferromagnetism in metals: from the cuprate superconductors to the heavy fermion compounds"
- Subir Sachdev - "The onset of antiferromagnetism in metals: from the cuprate superconductors to the heavy fermion compounds"
- Subir Sachdev - "Non-Fermi liquid metals: field theory vs. holography"
- Subir Sachdev - "Quantum entanglement and the phases of matter
- Subir Sachdev - "The superfluid-insulator quantum phase transition: field theory vs.holography"
- Francesco Zamponi - Random hard sphere packings and constraint satisfaction problems"
- P. Jacquod - "Hidden Onsager relation in mesoscopic spin transport"
- Slobodan Zumer - "Topological structures in colloidal and chiral nematics : from knots to Skyrmions ia"
- Kavli Colloquium - Ben Feringa
- Leo Kouwenhoven in Pauw en Witteman
- Thom Palstra - "Multiferroics: the control of magnetic order by electric fields"
- Bryan Chen - "Seeing and Sculpting Nematic Liquid Crystal Textures with the Thom construction"
- Javier Buceta Fernandez - Puzzling out the DV boundary formation in the wing imaginal disc: from gene regulation to tissue mechanics"
- Gary Steele - "Raman Microscopy: What is it and what is it useful for?"
- William Moerner - "Single Molecules as Light Sources for Super-resolution Imaging and Probes for Single Biomolecules in Solution"
- Tjerk Oosterkamp - "From nanoscale magnetic resonance imaging to a proposed experiment to measure gravity's role in breaking the unitarity of quantum Dynamics"
- Aleksandra Radenovic - "Quantitative single molecule localization microscopy"
- Gerard Rempe - "A quantum network with individual qubits of light and matter"
- Kees Stam - "The organization of complex brain networks"
- L. Mahadevan - "The geometry, continuum and statistical mechanics of ribbons"
- Henri Werij - "Applied Science at TNO: Spanning the Gap from Nano to Space"
- Pedro Russo - "Universe Awareness: Inspiring Every Child with our Wonderful Cosmos"
- Freeke van de Voort - "Feeding galaxies and their gaseous haloes"
- Martin van Hecke - "Extreme Physics of Marginal Matter"
- Dario Anselmetti - "Single Molecule Biophysics: from Microfluidics, Nanopores and Piconewton force Mechanics"
- Eric Pop - "Energy in Electronics: From Graphene to Phase-Change Materials"
- Fabio Scardigli - "Uncertainty relation on a "world crystal" and micro black holes Hawking temperature"
- S. Havlin -"Percolation of Network of Networks"
- P.Jizba - "The emergence of special and doubly special relativity"
- Dr. Niko Tombros - "Is graphene an excellent material for spintronic applications?"
- Ignas Snellen - "Exoplanet atmospheres and the search for extraterrestrial life"
- Violeta Navarro Paredes - "Fischer-Tropsch catalyst followed in action"
- Johan Kuiper - "Identification of new targets for the treatment of cardiovascular disease"
- Matteo Duca - "Electrocuting nitrite - New findings on electrochemical denitrification"
- Jacco van Rheenen - "Intravital microscopy of actin-driven tumor cell migration during metastasis through imaging windows"
- M. Shaposhnikov -"Is there a New Physics between Electroweak and Planck scale?"
- Ray Goldstein - "Synchronization of Eukaryotic Flagella"
- Jean-Francois Joanny - "Mechanics and growth of tissues"
- Jean-Francois Joanny - "Violation and restauration of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem"
- Timo Hyart - "Josephson-like tunneling in quantum Hall bilayer exciton condensates"
- Timo Hyart -"Josephson-like tunneling in quantum Hall bilayer exciton condensates"
- Juan Atalaya - "Diffusion-induced dephasing and bistability in driven nanomechanical resonators"
- Stan Brouns - "RNA-directed DNA interference in bacteria"
- Maria A. Loi - "Organic-inorganic nano-hybrids for optoelectronics and photonics"
- Ivo van Vulpen - "The search for the Higgs boson at the LHC"
- Gerrit Bauer - "Spin caloritronics"
- Reinout van Weeren - "Radio emission from colliding galaxy clusters"
- Aron Beekman - "Electric/magnetic Yin/Yang in high-temperature superconductors"
- Ray Goldstein - "Synchronization of Eukaryotic Flagella"
- Akira Endo - "" DESHIMA: Cosmology with Nanotechnology"
- Liedewij Laan - "How adaptable is the establishment of cell morphology?
- Gia Dvali - "Nature's shortest length"
- Rene Kleijn - "Material Scarcity: Imminent threat, eternal problem or red herring?"
- Kiamars Vafayi - "Hidden Symmetries in Non-Equilibrium"
- Markus Garst - "Quantum criticality and its influence on crystal elasticity"
- Alexios Beveratos - "Novel physics in photonic crystal nanolasers: Dynamics and Coherence"
- Patrice Bertet - 'Hybrid Quantum Circuit with a Spin ensemble coupled to a superconducting qubit'
- Tinde van Andel - "In search of the perfect aphrodisiac: parallel use of alcoholic bitters in West Africa and the Carribean"
- Sergio Ioppolo - "Surface Formation Routes of Interstellar Molecules"
- Richard Davison - "Bosonic excitations in holographic Fermi liquids"
- Gunnar Björk - "Quantum optics with single photons and photon-number resolving detectors"
- Wolfgang Loffler - "Twisted and entangled photons"
- A. Sudbö, - "Quantum criticality in dissipative quantum rotor lattice models"
- Marco Beijersbergen - "Physical business"
- Timon Idema -
- Thomas Schmidt - "Imaging Cellular Signaling one Molecule at a Time"
- Marcus Aspelmeyer - "Quantum Opto-Mechanics: A mechanical platform for quantum foundations and quantum information processing"
- Wouter-Jan Rappel "The physics of biological cell motility: Insights from modelling and experiments"
- F.T.H. den Hartog, TNO - "The expanding network"
- Todor Stefanov - LIACS - "Towards Automated Programming of Modern Embedded Systems-on-Chip"and Matthias Heinemann - "With new tools and approaches to novel fascinating insights about microbial metabolism"
- Jan Pieter Abrahams - "Seeing atoms in cells and molecules"
- Alex Yanson - "Cathodic corrosion, or how to synthesize all sorts of nanoparticles in your own kitchen"
- Sandu Popescu - "The smallest possible thermal machines and the foundations of thermodynamics"
- Immanuel Bloch - "Observing and Controlling Quantum Matter at the Single Atom Level
- W.C. Sinke - "Sunstream: from nichemarkt to terawatts
- Stephan Götzinger - "Taming the photons emitted by single molecules"
- Sebastiaan Loth
- Mark Ratner
- Michel Chaudron - "Automating Software Architecture Design using Evolutionary Techniques"
- Nicolas Gisin
- Dirk van Delft - "Faust, Frankenstein, nerd: science and the press"
- Niek van Hulst "Light control by antennas : from plasmonics to light harvesting"
- Young Hae Choi - Institute Biology Leiden - nominee Discoverer of the Year / C.J. Kok prize Public Award
- Wilson Poon "The physics of Active Colloids"
- Grand opening NeCEN
- Walter Lewin "Rainbows and Blue Skies"
- Mirjam Leunissen - AMOLF-Supramolecular Interactions"
- Rychard Bouwens - "Watching Galaxies Grow Up at Early Cosmic Times"
- Viktor Krueckl - "Bloch-Zener Oscillations in Graphene and Topological Insulators"
- Yuxi Tan "Fate of excitations in conjugated polymers: The nonemissive "dark regions" in MEH-PPV"
- Maurijn van der Zee "How insects conquered land"
- Delft, Gerhard Abstreiter "Optical control of spins in self-assembled InGaAs quantum dots"
- Wednesday 5 October; David DiVincenzo " Quantum Error Correction and the Future of Solid State Qubits"
- Peter Steeneken - "Modeling and characterization methods for MEMS switches and resonators"
- Friday 4 July (Leiden) - extra Fysisch Colloquium - R. Metzler (10.00 hrs)
- Tuesday 10 March; Delft, Markus Sauer, "Photoswitching Microscopy with Standard Fluorophores"
- Friday 4 July (Leiden) - Fysisch Colloquium - Dr. Eric Kirchner (13.15 hrs)
- Tuesday 15 July: (Delft) mini symposium, Dr.Ir. Frederik Creemer (DIMES) and Dr.Ir. Alfons Molenbroek (11:00 hrs)
- Wednesday 24 November; Leiden, Jan Kees Maan 'Magnetic effects in non-Mangetic materials'
- Wednesday 13 January; Delft, Ron Jansen "Silicon spintronics"
- Friday 15 January; Leiden, Marko Sturm 'Vanadium oxide films on Au(111): model catalysts for methanol oxidation'
- Monday 25 January; Delft, Roman Kolesov "Confocal microscopy and magneto-optical studies of cerium-doped YAG nanoparticles"
- Tuesday 21 December; Leiden, Mark Saeys "First principle guided design of surfaces and interfaces: Catalysts and surface tunneling junctions
- Tuesday 16 March; Leiden, Ronald Otten'Connectivity percolation in polydisperse nanofillers'
- Wednesday 12 May; Delft, Lucien Besombes Dynamics and optical control of an individual Mn spin in a semiconductor quantum dot'
- Thursday 24 June; Delft, David Nelson, Kavli Colloqium
- Monday 13 September; Leiden, Moumita Das, 'Mechanics and force transmission in the cell cytoskeleton'
- Wednesday 7 July; Leiden, Silvio Duarte-Queirós 'The physics of trading volume: Heuristic analysis, dynamical modelling and applications'
- Monday 19 July; Leiden, Philippe Guyot-Sionnest & Haw Yang - van de Waals Colloquium
- Tuesday 24 August; Leiden, Stefanos Papanikolaou 'Inhomogeneous Holographic Superconductors'
- Wednesday 1 September; Gary Shiu "The Promise of String Cosmology"
- Wednesday 6 October; Delft, Jeremy O'Brien
- Wednesday 20 October; Delft, John Morton, Nanoscience seminar
- Tuesday 9 November; Leiden, Dirk van Delft 'Material heritage: from bling bling to key pieces with stories'
- Tuesday 16 November; Leiden, W. Sinke "Solar power: prepare(d) for impact"
- Tuesday 30 November; Leiden, Joost Batenburg "Imaging from severely limited observations: risks and potential"
- Tuesday 7 December; Leiden, Jordi Puigvert, "The Yin and Yang of DNA damage"
- Wednesday 12 January; Delft Sander Otte 'All-electric control of single atom spin states'
- Friday 14 January; Leiden, Izak Snijman The gapped state of a carbon monolayer in periodic magnetic and electric fields'
- Wednesday 26 January; Delft, Axel Hoffmann "Pure Spin Currents: Discharging Spintronics"
- Tuesday 5 July; Delft, Hans Schumacher "GaAs based quantized current and voltage sources"
- Friday 11 Febuary; Leiden, Paul Planken "Terahertz near-field imaging and spectroscopy"
- Tuesday 8 March; Leiden, Dennis Claessen "Constructing bacterial skyscrapers"
- Tuesday 15 March; Leiden, Isabelle Grenier "New gamma-ray views of a turbulent universe"
- Friday 25 March; Leiden, Robin Pierce "Regulating the Unregulatable"
- Tuesday 29 March; Leiden, Wouter Peeters"Quantum Interference - Made Easy"
- Tuesday 5 April; Leiden, Xander Tielens "Stoned stars"
- Wednesday 13 April; Delft, Han Woerdman "Beam shifts for pedestrians"
- Wednesday 20 April; Delft, Ernst Sudhölter "Functionalised surfaces for sensing"
- Thursday 28 April; Delft, Mark Bates "Single-molecule localization methods for super-resolution fluorescence microscopy"
- Monday 30 May; Leiden, R. Penrose "Twistor Theory I: Twistor Geometry and the Wavefunctions of Massless Particles"
- Wednesday 15 June; Delft, Julia Meyer "Phase transitions in quantum wires"
- Thursday 23 June; Leiden, Igor Herbut, "Zero-modes and the structure of Dirac's vortex"
- Thursday 18 August; Leiden, Lital Alfonta "Site specific wiring of redox enzymes in biofuel cells"
- Wednesday 31 August; Delft, Vittorio Pellegrini 'Hubbard-Mott physics of two-dimensional electrons in an artificial semiconductor lattice'
- Wednesday 21 September; Delft, Masayoshi Tonouchi "Laser Terahertz Emission Microscope and Its Application"
- Wednesday 16 July 2008:(Leiden) Extra Fysisch Colloquium, Kerstin Blank (10:00 hrs)
- Wednesday 18 November; Delft, Pierre Pettrof '-Self assembled quantum wires and device applications from the near infrared to the THz'
- Wednesday 16 July 2008: (Leiden) Extra Fysisch Colloquium, Harald Janovjak (14:00 hrs)
- Tuesday 20 October; Leiden, H. Snel 'Wind Energy: The current situation and what can be done in research?'
- (nieuw artikel)
- Tuesday 27 October; Leiden, P. Kuipers Munneke 'Glaciers and Climate'
- Tuesday 3 November; Leiden, Katia Bertoldi 'Complex Fluids and Biophysics Seminar'
- Monday 14 December; Delft, Klaus Molmer 'Hybrid quantum computing with collective qubits'
- Monday 18 August (Leiden); Astrochem Seminar 11:00 hrs
- Wednesday 10 September: Delft, Light field tuning of the emission spectrum of a semiconductor quantum dot
- Tuesday 30 September: Leiden, Model-based Specification and Design of Large-Scale Embedded Signal Processing Systems
- Tuesday 7 October: Delft, Evolutionary dynamics of responsiveness in synthetic microbial systems
- Tuesday 18 November; Leiden, ABCA-transporters and lipid transfer proteins: ....."Evolution bites: fang development and the diversity of modern snakes
- Wednesday 17 December; Delft, Laurens Sibbeles, Quantum dots for highly efficient solar cells: Exciting two electrons with one photon
- Thursday 8 January; Delft, André Geim, Graphene: Magic of Flat Carbon
- Monday 12 January; Leiden, Liping Yang, "Accurate solutions of two kinds of quantum lattice models"
- Friday 23 January: Leiden, J. Hofkens "Single molecule bio(catalysis)"
- Wednesday 4 February; Delft, Jonas Zmuidzinas "Discovering distant galaxy collisions using superconducting microresonators"
- Tuesday 17 February; Leiden, Daniel Bonn "Complex Fluids and Biophysics Seminar"
- Friday 6 March; Leiden, L. Shvindlerman "Thermodynamics and kinetics of grain boundaries and boundary junctions"
- Monday 20 April; Leiden, Jim De Yoreo 'Physical controls on assembly of biomolecular materials'
- Thursday 28 May; Leiden, Emily Tenenbaum 'Unveiling Evolved Star Chemistry: a Millimeter-Wave Spectral Survey of VY Canis Majoris and IRC +10216'
- Wednesday 3 June; Delft, Mikhail Lukin 'Exploring new frontiers of quantum optical science'
- Wednesday 10 June; Delft, Imke de Pater 'Fascinating objects in our Solar System'
- Friday 19 June; Leiden, Dieter Kolb 'The initial stages of metal deposition: An atomistic view'
- Friday 3 July; Delft, David Grunwald 'Export of Single mRNAs through Nuclear Pores in Living Cells'
- Thursday 16 July; Delft, Konrad Lehnert 'Amplification, squeezing and entanglement generation with electrical circuits'
- Monday 24 August; Delft, Theory Seminar, Yasuhiro Utsumi
- Wednesday 16 September; Leiden, Kip Thorne 'The warped side of the Universe'
- Wednesday 9 September; Delft, Robert Hadfield, Superconducting nanowire single photon detectors: physics and applications
- Wednesday 7 October; Delft, David Gershoni 'Entanglement measurements'
- Monday 12 October; Delft, Nynke Dekker 'Single-Molecule Techniques: Real-Time'
- Friday 11 July (Delft): Jeong-O Lee (11:15 hrs)
- Friday 18 July: (Leiden) Extra Fysisch Colloquium, Pedro Reis (10:00 hrs)
- Friday 18 July: (Leiden) Extra Fysisch Colloquium, Hans Wyss (14:00 hrs)
- Monday 21 July:(Leiden) Studying the Adsorption of Antifreeze Glycoprotiens..(16:00 hrs)
- 4 - 8 August: (Leiden)"Artificial Cold and International Cooperation in Science" workshop
- Tuesday 5 August: (Leiden)"Crystal Growth, Neutron Scattering and Spin Correlations...", M. Greven (14:00 hrs)
- Tuesday 5 August: (Delft) Colloquium, Thomas T.M. Palstra (11:45 hrs)
- 6 - 13 August: (Amsterdam RAI Congres Center) - Low Temperature Conference - LT 25
- 25 Aug - 5 Sept, Dynamical heterogeneities in glasses, colloids and granular media Workshop, Leiden
- Friday 19 September: Leiden, Fysisch Colloquium
- Tuesday 23 September, Leiden: Scattering problems involving electrons, photons, and Dirac fermions
- 3 September, Leiden: 19:30 hrs From nonlocal granular rheology to dynamical heterogeneities in glasses; Olivier Dauchot
- Thursday 11 September: Leiden, Biophysics of microtubules and molecular motors: from single molecules to collective behavior
- Friday 12 September: Leiden, Energy: How to survive the 21st century?
- Monday 15 September: Delft, Biophysics of microtubules and molecular motors: from single molecules to collective behavior
- Monday 15 September: Leiden, Before Planets: The Mineralogy and Chemistry of Pre-Planetary Disks
- Tuesday 16 September: Leiden, Grain-surface chemistry
- Wednesday 17 September: Delft,Single atom based quantum computing in silicon, Robert Clark
- Friday 19 September: Leiden, Optical and Near-Infrared Surface Photometry of Quiescent Dwarf Galaxies
- Friday 19 September: Leiden, Sterrewacht Colloquium
- Wednesday 24 September: Delft, Engineered Diamond for Quantum Information Technology
- Tuesday 23 September: Leiden, The Enzyme Mechanism of Nitrite Reductase Studied at Single Molecule Level
- Tuesday 23 September, Leiden: Oscillons
- Tuesday 30 September: Leiden, Complex Fluids and Biophysics Seminar
- Wednesday 1 October: Leiden, Nature, Nurture or just blind chance: Stochastic gene expression and its consequences
- Wednesday 8 October: Delft, Imaging protein quality control mechanisms in cells by FRET/FLIM
- 6-10 October: Leiden, Lorentz Center workshop
- Tuesday 7 October: Leiden, Extra Seminarium
- Thursday 9 October: Leiden, Theory Lecture
- Scanning Probe Microscopy of Adsorbates on Insulating Films: From Manipulation of the Charge State to Imaging of Individual Molecular Orbitals and Bond Formation
- Monday 13 October: Delft, Dynamics of excitons in semiconductor nanocrystals
- Tuesday 14 October: Leiden, DNA double strand break-mediated mutagenesis and gene-targeting
- Wednesday 15 October: Leiden,Berry's phase, motive forces, and domain walls
- Wednesday 29 October: Delft, Experiments with hybrid lateral metallic nanostructures
- 27 - 31 October: Leiden, DIAMANT meets GQT
- Tuesday 28 October: Zebrafish: a model for cancer research
- Tuesday 28 October: Leiden, Complex Fluids and Biophysics Seminar
- Thursday 30 October: Leiden, IR laser absorption spectroscopy as a versatile tool (not only) for plasma diagnostics
- Monday 3 November - 6 November: Leiden, Long Term consequences of exposure to famine
- Tuesday 4 November: Leiden, to be announced" # "Induced Substitutions"
- Friday 7 November: Leiden, Physics and Environment - Ice in the climate system
- Thursday 6 November; Leiden, A New Noble-Gas Hydride: HXeOXeH
- Wednesday 12 November: Delft, 'Time-resolved electron transport through quantum dots
- Wednesday 12 November; Leiden, Projections and predictions of our future climate
- Wednesday 12 November: Leiden, The NASA Ames PAH IR Spectroscopic Database
- Wednesday 12 November; Leiden, The NASA Ames PAH IR Sepctroscopic Database: A Powerful New Astornomical Tool
- Tuesday 18 November; Leiden, Complex Fluids and Biophysics Seminar
- Friday 21 November; Leiden, Waartoe wetenschap
- Friday 21 November; Leiden, Ideas at the Micron Scale: from the Casimir Effect to Fiber-Top Technology …. and Return
- 24 - 28 November; Leiden, Lorentz Center Workshop on Electrocatalysis@nanoscale: techniques and applications
- Wednesday 26 November; Leiden, Black Holes, Holography and Emergent Gravity
- Thursday 27 November; Leiden, In Silico Biology or: On Comprehensive and Realistic Modeling
- Wednesday, 26 November; Delft, Rydberg atoms in a Bose-Einstein condensate
- 1-5 December: Leiden, Lorentz Center Workshop KAM Theory and its applications
- Tuesday 2 December; Leiden, Elie Wandersman, Transport and deformation of an elastic fiber in a lattice of vortices
- Wednesday 3 December: Leiden, Christian Glatti, When Pauli silences electrons quantum noise in conductors
- Friday 5 december; Leiden, D. Smit, more energy from hydrocarbons at an acceptable price
- Tuesday 2 December; Leiden, Michael Stech, What is Echinodium? Unravelling the relationships and evolution of a remarkable genus of mosses
- Friday 5 December, Delft, Tim Liedl,DNA Nanocomposites and 3D DNA Origami
- Friday 12 December; Leiden, Katrin Domke, Tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy: Topographic and chemical information on the nanoscale
- Thursday 15 January; Leiden, Martin Howard, Modelling noisy concentration gradients in development
- Friday 16 January; Leiden, Frank de Bruijn, Materials Challenges for Automotive Fuel Cells – Performance & Durability Issues
- Thursday 22 January: Delft, Ben Schuler "Protein folding dynamics from single molecule fluorescence spectroscopy"
- Friday 23 January, Delft, Vinod Subramaniam - “Multiparameter optical imaging: visualizing molecular interactions”
- Monday 26 January, Vladimir Juricic - "Coulomb interaction, ripples, and the minimal conductivity of graphene"
- Friday 6 February; Leiden, L. Bocquet, "Playing with stones: skipping stones and splashes"
- Wednesday 11 February; Delft, Christian Glattli, "What is the photon statistics emitted by the quantum shot noise of coherent conductors?"
- Wednesday 11 Febuary: Leiden, Bernhard Keimer,"Superconductivity and competing order in correlated-electron materials"
- Thursday 12 Febuary; Leiden, Bas Overbosch, "The 5/2-hype: probing non-abelian statistics in quantum Hall systems"
- Friday 13 Febuary; Delft, Holger Kress ‘Mechanical and chemical stimulation of single immune cells with optically manipulated microparticles’
- Wednesday 18 February; Leiden, Hans Hilgenkamp, "Superconducting rings with a twist; Experiments with fractional flux quanta"
- Thursday 19 February; Kristian Mueller "Dealing with valence of counter-ions in polyelectrolyte solutions"
- Friday 20 February; Leiden; Petra Rudolf "Women in physics, why so few?"
- Friday 20 February; Leiden, Petra Rudolf "See Atoms Move in Real Time"
- Tuesday 24 February; Leiden, Kostya Shundyak, "Complex Fluids and Biophysics Seminar"
- Tuesday 24 February; Delft, Dieter Braun 'Intracellular kinetics, Light driven Microfluidics and Molecule Traps’
- Tuesday 3 March; Leiden, Fedor Goumans - "Ices in Space: A Tunnel Vision"
- Tuesday 3 March; Leiden, Marc Stevens "Breaking the weakest link: becoming a trusted authority on the internet"
- Tuesday 10 March; Leiden, G. Gonnella, "Fluctuation Relations of Driven Ising Models"
- Friday 13 March; Leiden, Enrico Calzavarini "Particle Dynamics in Turbulence"
- Friday 13 March; Leiden, S. Shaw "Investigation of interfaces and electric double layer structure using infrared/visible sum frequency generation"
- Tuesday 17 March; The Hague, Leo Kouwenhoven “Nobody understands quantum mechanics”
- Wednesday 18 March; Delft, Werner Wegschneider "Huge metastability and reentrant phases in a magnetic two-dimensional hole system"
- Wednesday 18 March; Delft, Mastering your PhD "The smart route to success"
- Wednesday 18 March; Leiden, Fernando Quevedo "String Phenomenology: realistic models with Large Extra Dimensions"
- Friday 20 March; Leiden, T. Heimberg "On the physics of nerves"
- 24-27 March; Leiden, R. Jaspers & W. Biel "Active Beam Spectroscopy for control of the fusion plasma"
- Thursday 26 March; Leiden, Robert Cantor "Modulation of membrane protein activity by bilayer adsorption of aqueous solutes: mechanical stresses, synaptic transmission and the molecular mechanism of anesthesia"
- Wednesday 25 March; Delft; Federico Capasso "Sub-wavelength Photonics: from light manipulation to quantum levitation at the nanoscale"
- Wednesday 1 April; Leiden, Manfred Sigrist "Key symmetries of superconductivity: Inversion and Time Reversal Symmetry"
- Friday 3 April; Leiden, C. von Borczykowski "Dynamics of single optically excited quantum objects in the condensed phase"
- Wednesday 1 April; Delft, Jonathan Finley, "Watching single spins and single photons"
- Wednesday 1 April; Philip Tinnefeld 'Fluorescence Microscopy Bottom Up: From Single Molecules to Complex Biomolecular Interactions and Super-resolution Microscopy'
- Wednesday 8 April; Leiden, Neda Ghofraniha "Nonlinear optical susceptibility of soft matter"
- Wednesday 15 April; Leiden, Randy Kamien "What's Kelvin's Problem?"
- 8-9 April; Delft, First Delft Optics Workshop
- Wednesday 15 April; Delft, Yigal Meir 'The 0.7 anomaly in quantum point contacts'
- Tuesday 21 April; Leiden, A. van Oijen'Under the hood: Single-molecule studies of multi-protein machines'
- Wednesday 22 April; Leiden, Adrian Cioroianu 'An analysis of the Lorenz-Haken Analogy. Chaotic Behavior in Lasers'
- Wednesday 22 April; Leiden, Anne Kox, Hendrik Antoon Lorentz and the Dutch Physics society'
- Friday 24 April; Leiden, Jerry Gollub 'Diffusion of Swimming Cells, Flagella as Coupled Oscillators, and Advective Mixing'
- Thursday 23 April; Leiden, 'Hydrogen atoms on interstellar CO ice: encounters, reactions, isotope effects'
- Wednesday 29 April; Leiden, David Bensimon 'Single Cell Physiology: Optical control of protein expression and activity at the single cell level; applications to morphogenesis in zebrafish'
- Thursday 7 May; Leiden, Wouter Ellenbroek 'Complex Fluids and Biophysics Seminar'
- Friday 8 May; Leiden, Albert Polman 'Plasmonics: controlling light at the nanoscale'
- Tuesday 12 May; Leiden, M.A. Van Hove 'Nanostructure from Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Low-Energy Electron Diffraction: C60 on Cu(111)'
- Wednesday 13 May; Leiden, Ulf Leonhardt 'Geometry, light and a wee bit of magic'
- Wednesday 13 May; Delft, Dirk Bouwmeester 'Self-assemble InAs quantum dots in photonic crystals and micropillars"
- Tuesday 12 May; Leiden, Ray Goldstein, 'Evolution of Biological Complexity'
- Wednesday 13 May; Leiden, Ulf Leonhardt 'Geometry, light and a wee bit of magic'
- Tuesday 19 May; Leiden, Jean-Hugues Fillion 'Nuclear spin conversion of hydrogenated molecules: astrophysical implications and laboratory experiments'
- Monday 18 May; Delft, J. Scott Bunch 'Graphene Nanoelectromechanical Systems'
- Wednesday 20 May;Delft, Albert Polman 'Plasmonic metameterials'
- Tuesday 26 May; Leiden, Peter Kes 'What went wrong with the Large Hadron Collider'
- Wednesday 27 May; Leiden, Wolfgang Losert 'The inside of a sandpile: 3D imaging of particle motion in dense granular flows'
- Wednesday 27 May; Leiden, Ronald Hanson 'Diamond’s new facet: a unique platform for quantum control of single spins and single photons'
- Friday 29 May; Leiden, Tjerk Oosterkamp 'MRI-AFM: Magnetic Resonance at the Nanoscale'
- Tuesday 26 May; Christophe Danelon 'Molecular transport and signalling across the cell membrane'
- Wednesday 27 May; Delft, Craig Pryor 'Manipulation of Individual Electronic Spins in Semiconductors'
- Monday 15 June; Leiden, Y. Tokura 'Emergent magneto-electronic phenomena in correlated-electron materials'
- Monday 15 June; Leiden, Lou Kondic 'Complex Fluids and Biophysics Seminar'
- Wednesday 17 June; Delft, Kees Hummelen 'Birth of an era: PV as a global revolution'
- Wednesday 17 June; Delft, Stafford Withington
- Monday 29 June; Leiden C. Tsuei 'Integer and half-integer flux-quantum transitions in a niobium/iron-pnictide loop'
- Wednesday 24 June; Delft, David DiVincenzo 'Circuit QED and quantum non-demolition measurements without qubits'
- Wednesday 1 July;Delft, Yaroslav Tserkovnyak 'Aharonov-Casher interference effects in mesoscopic transport'
- Tuesday 30 June: Leiden, Complex fluids and Biophysics seminar
- Friday 3 July; Leiden, 'Chromatin, a multi-scale jigsaw puzzle'
- Wednesday 9 September; Delft, Michael Roukes 'Nanomechanics: principles, progress, prospects'
- Friday 11 September; Delft, Michael Roukes 'Nanomechanics: embracing, nonlinearity and quantum effects'
- Wednesday 9 September; Delft, Piet Brouwer 'Triplet Andreev reflection off a domain wall in a lateral geometry'
- Wednesday 16 September; Delft, Robert Hadfield 'Superconducting nanowire single photon detectors: physics and applications'
- Tuesday 15 September; Leiden, Eduard Driessen 'The perfect absorber'
- Tuesday 15 September; Leiden, L.J.F. Hermans 'Energie: De uitdaging van de 21ste eeuw'
- Friday 25 September; Leiden, Paige Shaklee 'Collective motor dynamics in membrane tube formation'
- Wednesday 23 September; Delft, Seigo Tarucha 'BCS singlet-Magnetic doublet phase transition in an InAs quantum dot contacted to a superconductor lead and a normal conductor lead'
- Thursday 8 October; Delft, DiCarlo 'Quantum Algorithms and Entanglement Metrology with Superconducting Circuits'
- Tuesday 13 October; Leiden, Prof.dr. G. Nienhuis, 'Borders of the physical worldview'
- Wednesday 14 October; Leiden, Dirk van der Marel ' Of phase and spin: Superconductivity on the brink of magnetism'
- Wednesday 14 October; Delft, Federico Capasso 'Sub-wavelength Photonics: from light manipulation to quantum levitation at the nanoscale'
- Thursday 15 October; Delft, Michelle Simmons 'Towards Atomically Precise Silicon Devices in all Three Dimensions'
- Tuesday 20 October; Leiden, Ruud Visser "From simple to complex: chemical evolution during star formation"
- Wednesday 21 October; Delft, Jean-Michel Gerard 'A high-brightness single photon source based on a quantum dot in a photonic nanowire'
- Wednesday 28 October; Leiden, Bart van Wees 'Graphene spintronics: Controlling electron spins in a single atom thick carbon layer'
- Thursday 29 October; Leiden, Huub de Groot 'Harnessing Solar Energy for the Production of Clean Fuels'
- Thursday 5 November; Leiden, Aleksandra Walczak 'Information processing in small gene regulatory networks and cascades'
- Friday 6 November; Leiden, Uli Zeitler 'High-field electronic properties of graphene'
- Thursday 5 November; Leiden, Carina Arasa 'Molecular dynamics of ice photochemistry'
- Tuesday 10 November; Leiden, W.C. Sinke 'Sollar energy, Holy Grail or hype?'
- Wednesday 18 November; Leiden, Gijs Wuite 'Physics of the Genome'
- Thursday 19 November; Leiden, Andreas Schnyder 'Classification of Topological Insulators and Superconductors'
- Friday 20 November; Leiden, Maarten de Jong ' The next generation neutrino telescopes'
- Tuesday 24 November; Leiden, Katia Bertoldi 'Constitutive modeling of EMAA copolymers'
- Tuesday 1 December; Delft, Dave Blank 'Interface Engineering: control on an atomic level'
- Wednesday 25 November; Leiden, Stephan Grill
- Wednesday 25 November; Delft, Jochem Baselmans 'Kinetic Inductance Detectors for space and ground based far-infrared observatories: first astronomical observations at 350 GHz'
- Tuesday 1 December; Leiden, Remus Dame 'Unravelling the organization of bacterial chromatin'
- Wednesday 2 December; Leiden, Martin van Exter ' The mystery of the two-foton interference'
- Monday 30 November; Leiden, Ciska Kemper 'Observing the life cycle of dust in the Large Magellanic Cloud using Spitzer and Herschel'
- Wednesday 2 December; Leiden, Daniel Harsono 'Gravitational instabilities in embedded disks'
- Wednesday 2 December; Delft, Miles Blencowe 'Approaching the Quantum Limit in Mesoscale Mechanical Systems'
- Tuesday 8 December; Leiden, Chase Broedersz
- Wednesday 9 December; Leiden, Victor Gijsbers
- Wednesday 9 December; Leiden, Bruno Eckhardt 'Turbulence transition in shear flows'
- Thursday 10 December; Leiden, Reza Ejtehadi
- Tuesday 15 December; Leiden, Lenny Taelman 'Counting flowers and p-groups'
- Tuesday 15 December; Leiden, Bas Haring 'very short movies to explain and question science (for juveniles)'
- Wednesday 16 December; Delft, Charlie Marcus 'Spin qubits in GaAs and Carbon'
- Friday 18 December; Leiden, Juan Keymer Vergara
- Friday 11 December; Delft
- Thursday 17 December; Delft, Neil Curson ' STM studies of dopants in silicon for COMPASSS'
- Tuesday 12 January; 'Progresses in Quantum cascade lasers in the mid- and far-infrared region'
- Wednesday 13 January; Delft, Sander Otte 'Magnetic anisotropy probed by scanning tunneling microscopy'
- Friday 29 January; Leiden, 'M. Vrakking' Fysisch Colloquium
- Wednesday 27 January; Delft, Vincent Jacques "Nitrogen-Vacancy defects in diamond: From single-photon sources to single spin manipulation"
- Thursday 28 January; Delft, Bertus Beaumont 'Experimental evolution of bet-hedging’
- Thursday 28 January; Delft, Adagideli 'Geometric Correlations and Breakdown of Mesoscopic Universality in Spin Transport'
- Tuesday 2 Febuary; Leiden, Martina Huber "α-Synuclein: A horseshoe of bad luck?"
- Wednesday 3 Febuary; Leiden, Erik Verlinde ' Colloquium Ehrenfestii'
- Wednesday 3 Febuary; Delft, Jake Taylor "Hybrid quantum systems"
- Wednesday 3 Febuary; Leiden, Erik Verlinde ' On the Origin of Gravity and the Laws of Newton'
- Friday 12 Febuary; Leiden, J. Gómez Rivas ' Surface polariton nanosensors'
- Thursday 11 Febuary: Leiden, Jasper van Wezel 'Observing broken time translation symmetry in nano-scale experiments'
- Tuesday 16 Febuary; Delft, Rita Godino "Lichen biomonitors: factors affecting response behaviour"
- Wednesday 24 Febuary; Leiden, Shoucheng Zhang -Feb 24 Wednesday, 19:30 CE Shoucheng Zhang (Stanford) 'Topological insulators and topological superconductors'
- Friday 26 Febuary; Leiden, H. de Groot 'Harnassing solar energy for the production of clean fuels'
- Wednesday 24 March; Leiden Richard Healey 'A Lego Universe? The Physical Construction of the world’
- Wednesday 24 Febuary, Delft; Peter Steeneken 'Piezoresistive heat engine and refrigerator'
- Tuesday 2 March; Delft, Yasuhiro Asano 'Luminescence of a Superconducting PN Junction'
- Monday 1 March; Delft, Ikuo Suemune
- Wednesday 3 March; Leiden, Koenraad Schalm 'All or nothing, a triumph of the modern Physics'
- Wednesday 10 March; Leiden, Vincenzo Vitelli 'From soft matter to dark matter: the statistical physics of lensing'
- Friday 12 March; Leiden, T. Shimizu 'Time-derivative computations by a bacterium'
- Monday 8 March; Delft, Chirlmin Joo 'Direct Observation of MicroRNA Modification: Single-Molecule Fluorescence Approach with Human Protein Complexes'
- Wednesday 10 March; Delft, Hans Hilgenkamp Nanoscience seminar
- Monday 8 March; Leiden, Andrew Tolley - Lorentz Seminar
- Tuesday 9 March; Leiden, Sarah Shandera 'Non-Gaussianity: Fundamental Interactions and Inflation'
- Thursday 11 March; Leiden, Eugene Lim 'The Non-Gaussian Universe'
- Friday 12 March, Leiden; Alexey Boyarski 'What do we know about properties of dark matter particles?'
- Friday 12 March, Leiden, Misao Sasaki Lorentz seminar
- Friday 12 March, Leiden, Levon Pogosian 'New cosmological tests of fundamental physics'
- Friday 26 March; Leiden, Leopoldo Gomez
- Wednesday 31 March; Leiden, Harry Atwater 'Bending Light to Our Will: Nanophotonic Structures for Terawatt-Scale Solar Energy Conversion'
- Thursday 1 April; Leiden, Klaas Pruessman - Gorter Lecture -
- Tuesday 6 April; Leiden, Harmen Draisma 'Purpose-Driven Quantum Chemistry for Photosythesis'
- Tuesday 6 April; Leiden, Donghui Jeong 'Pursuit of local primordial non-Gaussianity from the galaxy bispectrum and galaxy-galaxy, galaxy-CMB weak lensing'
- Thursday 15 April; Leiden, Shinsei Ryu 'Quantum-spin-Hall-like phenomena and duality between order parameters in graphene'
- Friday 16 April; Leiden G. Vancso 'Rupturing supramolecular bonds and stretching polymer chains: Single molecule force spectroscopy by AFM'
- Wednesday 14 April; Delft, Edoardo Charbon, 'CMOS Single-Photon Imagers'
- Thursday 8 April; Leiden, Liza Huijse 'Quantum phases of a supersymmetric model for lattice fermions'
- Thursday 22 April; Delft, Y. Tokura 'Charge and spin transport in a series of quantum dots'
- Thursday 15 April; Leiden, Shinsei Ryu Quantum-spin-Hall-like phenomena and duality between order parameters in graphene''
- Wednesday 21 April; Leiden, Gijs Wuite 'Quantifying the physics inside the genome one molecule at a time'
- Wednesday 21 April; Leiden, Jürg Hutter 'Boron Nitride Nanomesh'
- Friday 7 May; Leiden, A. Fiore 'Optical detection and imaging at the single-photon level'
- Wednesday 12 May; Leiden, Tom Witten 'Capillary Shaping of Material'
- Thursday 27 May; Leiden, Tom Witten 'Thin sheets and sandpiles: subtle self-organization in prosaic places'
- Thursday 10 June; Leiden, Tom Witten 'Thin sheets and sandpiles: subtle self-organization in prosaic places'
- Thursday 17 June; Leiden, Tom Witten 'Thin sheets and sandpiles: subtle self-organization in prosaic places'
- Thursday 27 May; Leiden, Pamela Silver 'Designing Biological Systems: Memory, Metabolism and Mutualism'
- Friday 28 May; Leiden, B. Feringa 'In control of molecular motion From molecular switches to molecular motors'
- Wednesday 2 June; Leiden, Avadh Saxena 'Mesoscopic modeling of multiferrooic materials and color symmetry'
- Monday 31 May; Delft, Peter Zoller 'Quantum Computing and Simulation: from Dream to Reality'
- Monday 31 May; Delft Eric Potma 'Nonlinear coherent microscopy of tissues, nanostructures and single molecules'
- Wednesday 2 June; Delft, Leonid Levitov 'Flavor symmetry and competition of orders in graphene bilayer'
- Thursday 3 June; Delft, Set Lloyd 'Symmetry and asymmetry in quantum transport'
- Wednesday 9 June; Delft, Karl Berggren 'Superconducting photon detectors'
- Tuesday 8 June; Leiden, Chushun Tian 'A first—principles study of zero—temperature phase diagram of underdoped antiferromagnets'
- Friday 11 June; Leiden, Guocai Dong 'Understanding Graphene and Nanomesh formation on RH (111)'
- Tuesday 29 June; Leiden, Federico Calle Vallejo 'Role of Composition and Distribution on Platinum Alloys with Late Transition Metals'
- Wednesday 7 July; Leiden, Tobias Galla 'Chaos and noise in evolutionary game theory'
- Monday 5 July; Delft, Yasunobu Nakamura 'Artificial atoms in 1D open space'
- Monday 23 Aug; Leiden, Jeroen van Zon 'How to build an organ: quantifying spatial pattern generation in the developing /C. elegans/ vulva'
- Tuesday 7 September; Sergi Garcia-Manyes "Nanomechanics at the single molecule level"
- Thursday 9 September; Kai Wu "A new Curie-Weiss metal state and its application to thermoelectrics"
- Wednesday 8 September; Pieter Kok, Sheffield; Kavli Nanoscience Seminar
- Tuesday 14 September; Daniel Worm"Invariant measures of Markov operators"
- Thursday 23 September; Delft, Volodya Falko 'Electrons in bilayer graphene, from high to low energies'
- Monday 20 September; Leiden, Eleni Katifori 'Design principles in the plant kingdom: Loopy network topology and leaf vein architecture'
- Monday 20 September; Leiden G.A. Attard, 'Nafion, E-Coli and gold: how platinum can make them even more interesting'
- Tuesday 21 September; Leiden, Dirk van Delft 'about Science and the press'
- Tuesday 21 September; Leiden, Robert Wiersma "Simulating the Chemical Enrichment of the Intergalactic Medium"
- Wednesday 22 September; Mark Dennis "Much ado about knotting"
- Wednesday 22 September; Jeroen van Dongen and Jos Engelen 'Einstein's holy grail'
- Thursday 23 September; Leiden, Juan Keymer Vergara 'Individuality and multicellularity in bacteria: The gift and the tragedy of the commons'
- Wednesday 22 September; Delft, Vladimir Falko Electronic properties of bilayer graphene''
- Monday 27 September; Delft, Jean-Michel Raimond 'Quantum state measurement and control in cavity QED'
- Tuesday 5 October; Leiden, Ionica Smeets 'Dropping pennies - explaining science to laymen'
- Tuesday 5 October; Leiden, Roeland Merks Culturing blood vessels in the computer: how it helps biologists'
- Thursday 7 October; Leiden, Ara Sedrakyan 'Plateau-plateau transitions in quantum Hall effect: Continuum limit of Chalker-Coddington network model'
- Thursday 7 October; Leiden, Yuxi Tian 'Organization Study of Light-Harvesting Systems by Single Molecule Spectroscopy'
- Tuesday 12 October; Leiden, Misha Bonn 'Academic fundamental research and industry: win-win or controversy?
- Wednesday 13 October; Leiden, Rob Philips 'Transcriptional Regulation by the Numbers'
- Thursday 14 October; Leiden, Christophe Danelon 'Real-time imaging of the effect of Notch activation on cell cycle progression'
- Friday 15 October; Leiden Joan van der Waals colloquium'One-d quantum systems in- and out-of-equilibrium: new exact results, their applications, and overall perspectives'
- Wednesday 13 October; Delft, Konrad Lehnert Sensing the quantum motion of a nanomechanical oscillator'
- Tuesday 19 October; Leiden Marco Beijersbergen 'Entrepreneur in Physics'
- Tuesday 19 October; Leiden, Wolfgang Löffler 'Twisted light and matter'
- Tuesday 26 October; Leiden, Herman Spaink
- Wednesday 27 October; Leiden, Franz Giessibl 'Advances in Atomic Force Microscopy'
- Friday 29 October; Leiden, Joan van der Waals Colloquium
- Wednesday 27 October; Delft, Femius Koenderink 'Coupled scattering resonances to interface single emitters and single photons'
- Wednesday 3 November; Delft, Kareljan Schoutens 'the 5/2 FQHE'
- Tuesday 2 November; B. Dam 'Engery-storage: an essential part of our sustainable society'
- Tuesday 2 November; Anthony Matthews Cryogen free dilution refrigerators''
- Tuesday 9 November; Leiden, Ilze Bot "The mast cell: a key player in cardiovascular diseases
- Thursday 11 November; BM seminar A. Andreoni & P. Zijlstra
- Friday 12 November; Leiden, Pepijn Pinkse ' Cavity QED and Spin-Orbit Coupling of Light'
- Friday 19 November; Leiden, F. van Lunteren "Quantum mechanics and Weimar culture"
- Wednesday 17 November; Delft, Thomas Ebbesen 'Plasmonics'
- Wednesday 24 November; Delft, Ruud Visser 'Astronomy based on nanodetectors'
- Thursday 25 November; Leiden, Anna Pezzarossa Microseconds tracking in living cells'
- Thursday 25 November; Leiden, Haifeng Yuan 'Temperature-cycle single-molecule FRET microscopy on Polyprolines'
- Friday 26 November; Leiden, Iva Tolic-Norrelykke: 'Get your motors running: sex, self-organization, and oscillations'
- Tuesday 30 November; Leiden Yu Qin "Boosting cell adhesion to prevent kidney injury"
- Wednesday 1 December; Delft, Nanoscience Seminar Richard Warburton 'Single spins in InGaAs quantum dots'
- Tuesday 30 November; Leiden Michele Burrello "Non-abelian anyons from degenerate Landau levels of ultracold atoms in artificial gauge potentials"
- Wednesday 8 December; Giorgio Parisi "Theoretical progresses in off-equilibrium behaviour"
- Friday 10 December; Leiden, Matthias Weis Sorting out protein traffic in living cells'
- Wednesday 8 December;Delft, Willem Vos "Photonic band gap crystals: Islands of tranquility in a fluctuating vacuum?"
- Friday 10 December; Delft, Gregory Schneider & Daniel Abankwa, "Novel insight into the structure and functioning of Ras family proteins – a membrane reorientation and nanoclustering based codec for isoform diversity"
- Monday 20 December; Delft; Klaus Ensslin "Coherent phonons in double dots"
- Friday 14 January; Leiden, Sander Otte 'All-electric control of single atom spin states'
- Thursday 20 January; Leiden, J. Maddocks 'Sequence-Dependent Statistical Mechanics of DNA
- Friday 21 January; Leiden, E. Mozgunov 'Excitation spectrum of a 2D long-range Bose-liquid with supersymmetry'
- Friday 21 January; Leiden, E. Mozgunov (Moscow) "Excitation spectrum of a 2D long-range Bose-liquid with supersymmetry"
- Wednesday 26 January; Leiden, R. Moessner - Colloquium Ehrenfestii'
- Thursday 27 January; Leiden, Ignas Snellen "The search for extraterrestrial life: an astronomer’s perspective"
- Friday 28 January; Leiden, Holger Kress "Optical control of the mechanical and chemical microenvironment of living cells"
- Friday 28 January; Delft, E. Bakkers "Big future for little materials"
- Wednesday 26 January; Delft, G. Katsaros & S. De Franceschi "Spins in Si-Ge nanostructures"
- Tuesday 1 Febuary; Leiden, Bernard van Heck 'Tunable confinement on graphene nanoribbons with magnetic barriers'
- Thursday 3 Febuary; Leiden, Ankur Gupta 'Understanding the role of Tyr108 in the reaction mechanism of SLAC'
- Monday 14 February; Leiden, Mi Shuo "RKKY interaction and size effects in low-dimensional nanomaterials"
- Tuesday 15 February; Delft, Mi Shuo "RKKY interaction and size effects in low-dimensional nanomaterials"
- Wednesday 16 February;Leiden, Thomas Peitzmann "A first view on the little bang at LHC by ALICE"
- Thursday 17 February; Leiden, Russell Foster "A third ocular photoreceptor: Novel signalling pathways to clinical application"
- Wednesday 16 February; Leiden Jannik Meyer "The physics of nano-carbons explored by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy"
- Thursday 24 February; Leiden, Saverio Bartalini " Narrow linewidth Quantum Cascade lasers as ultra-sensitive probes of molecules"
- Tuesday 22 February; Leiden, Tim van Erven"Can Data Compression and Statistics Disagree?"
- Friday 25 Febuary; Leiden, Jo Verbeek "Electrons with a twist: vortex electron beams in the electron microscope"
- Wednesday 2 March; Delft, Yves Rezus
- Wednesday 9 March; Leiden, T. Odijk "The Unusual behaviour of nanoconfined DNA"
- Friday 11 March; Leiden, Dorothea Samtleben "News from the oldest light"
- Tuesday 8 March; Delft, Jo van den Brand "gravitational waves"
- Tuesday 15 March; Leiden, Laura Heitman "Why do drugs fail in man?"
- Friday 25 March; Leiden, Roger Wordenweber
- Tuesday 22 March; Leiden, Tjerk Oosterkamp - This week's discoveries
- Wednesday 30 March; Leiden, A. Boyarsky "Can a complete theory of particle physics be testable with present experimental techniques?"
- Thursday 31 March; Leiden, Frank Juelicher "Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems"
- Wednesday 30 March; Delft, Peter Baum "4D visualization of atomic motion by femtosecond electron diffraction"
- Thursday 31 March; Delft,Dirk Görlich, The permeability barrier of nuclear pore complexes
- Tuesday 5 April; Leiden, Machtelt Braaksma "Functional genomics in industrial biotechnology"
- Tuesday 12 April; Leiden, Maarten Kruithof "Computer vision applications in traffic management"
- Tuesday 12 April; Leiden, Tom de Jong "The canola controversy: modern science and today's politics"
- Thursday 14 April; Leiden, Jasper van Wezel "Chiral Charge Density Waves"
- Friday 15 April; NNV - FYSICA 2011
- Monday 18 April; Leiden, Gabor Molnar "Molecular Spin Crossover Phenomenon: Recent Achievements and Prospects"
- Monday 18 April; Leiden, J. van Holten "Theory of supergravity and cosmology"
- Tuesday 19 April; Leiden, Hanna Schraffenberger "Whether you like art or not"
- Tuesday 19 April; Leiden, Marcellus Ubbink "Paramagnetism as a tool to study protein structure and dynamics"
- Wednesday 20 April; Leiden, Cahterine Pepin "The modulated spin liquid: a new paradigm for URu2Si2"
- Thursday 21 April; Leiden, Galya Novikova "Plant hormone signalling: How does ethylene fit the various paradigms?"
- Thursday 28 April; Leiden, BM Seminar, Silvia Hodorogea and Mustafa Yorulmaz
- Friday 29 April; Leiden, Bram Koster "Zooming in on cellular architecture with Correlative Light Electron Tomography"
- Monday 9 May; Leiden, prof R. Penrose "Quantum Foundations: Influences from Gravitational Theory"
- Wednesday 11 May; Delft, Armando Rastelli "Strain-Tunable Quantum Dot Devices"
- Wednesday 11 May; Leiden, R. Penrose Is there Evidence for Quantum Coherence in Neuronal Microtubules?"
- Friday 13 May; Leiden, Harald Janovjak "Optical Control of Cellular Signaling"
- Monday 16 May; Leiden, R. Penrose "Conformal Cyclic Cosmology I: The General Scheme"
- Monday 16 May; Delft, Eiji Saitoh "Spin Seebeck Effect"
- Tuesday 17 May; Leiden, Anton Akhmerov "Majorana interferometry: how neutral particles conduct current”
- Tuesday 17 May; Leiden Arthur Ram "Shaping the Mold: Cell Polarity in Filamentous Fungi"
- Monday 23 May; Leiden, R. Penrose "Conformal Cyclic Cosmology II: Detailed Equations at Crossover and Observational Implications"
- Wednesday 18 May; Delft, Eugene Polzik "Quantum mechanical interface for opto-electronics"
- Wednesday 25 May; Delft, Alain Aspect "From Einstein's Intuiton to Quantum Bits: A New Quantum Age?"
- Tuesday 24 May; Leiden, Frederic Lens "Understanding insular woodiness, a remarkable evolutionary phenomenon in flowering plants"
- Tuesday 24 May; Leiden, Isa Oliveira "From dust to planets"
- Thursday 26 May; Leiden, John Reif "Programmable Self-Assembled DNA-Based Autonomous Molecular Devices"
- Friday 27 May; Jaeyoung Lee "Understanding underlying processes in formic acid fuel cells"
- Friday 27 May; Leiden, Diego Garlaschelli
- Wednesday 25 May; Delft, Adriaan Houtsmuller "Molecular mechanisms of transcription initiation and DNA damage recognition"
- Tuesday 31 May; Leiden, Joris Berkhout "Measuring the orbital angular momentum of light"
- Tuesday 31 May, Leiden Evgeny Verbitskiy, "Thermodynamic Formalism and Information Theory"
- Monday 6 June; Leiden, R. Penrose "Twistor Theory II: More Recent Developments. General Relativity, High-Energy Physics, Twistor Strings"
- Tuesday 7 June; Leiden, Diego Garlaschelli "Statistical physics and economic networks"
- Wednesday 8 June; Leiden, G. Falkovic "Broken and emerging symmetries of turbulence"
- Thursday 9 June; Delft, Jörg Enderlein"Fluorescence correlation: From spectroscopy to imaging"
- Tuesday 14 June; Leiden, Arjen Stolk "Tomography: from medical scans to logic puzzles"
- Friday 17 June; Leiden, Vitaly Nesterenko "Granular/porous systems: origin of new wave dynamics and applications"
- Friday 24 June; Leiden, Narayanan Menon "Wrinkling, folding and crumpling of ultrathin elastic sheets"
- Wednesday 31 August; Leiden, Daniela Kraft "Self-organization in Soft Matter"
- Wednesday 21 September; Delft, Eric Mazur "Nonlinear Optics at the Nanoscale"
- Monday 19 September; Leiden, Irene Groot "Structure and reactivity relations for iron oxide catalysts in low temperature CO oxidation"
- Tuesday 20 September; Leiden, Ernst de Mooij "Ground-based observations of exoplanet atmospheres"
- Tuesday 20 September; Leiden, Francesco Buda - This week's discoveries
- Wednesday 21 September; Leiden, Maxim Mostovoy "Electrical properties of unconventional magnetic orders and topological spin textures"